10 years

Next year I will also celebrate my 10th year on this forum! I think that's the longest I've been active on a community (on and off, obviously) that isn't a major social media platform.
I joined here in 2021 and didn't really care about posting until this year. I was an occasional visitor.

On a more interesting note, I joined my first forum all the way back in 2010. I was blatantly underage/below 13 years old and everybody knew it from how I spoke.
It's good to see so many mainstays that have been here for a long time. Really shows how well handled and loved this forum is not only by the members, but the staff.

I joined in 2017, but it doesn't feel like it. Feels more like I just joined in 2023 lol. I'm the newbie not you Roxxy. 😅
I’ve been fairly active since I joined. I might lay quiet from time to time but I’m always checking in here. Next summer will mark 12 years for me. 🤯
I was 14 when I joined back in 2015 and now I’m 23! I still remember the exact night I discovered this amazing forum. I’ve been on here on and off but just recently started to become more active c: