101 things to do to get kicked out of Wal-Mart

Oh yeah, nothing changed.

86. Have a tea party with all of the stuffed animals and dolls.
Lord Yuan said:
Pyrozanryu said:
Lord Yuan said:
Pyrozanryu said:
Lord Yuan said:
Quoting limited to 5 levels deep
78. A. Put on a Hannibal Lector voice during the above
79 after this then try and page the government and ask them to change your name to buffalo bill
81. Break out of high Security then go back to peeing on the fruit and veg
85. As the po po tries to escort you out ask for your a job application that they are required to give you by law
Pee off the rood singing 'Oh Canada'
88. Try and tape the those half-doors that lead behind counters and then claim that you will rob the place because they are all trapped
85. Go to the managers office when hes gone and plant a fake bomb, when he enters lock the door so he is scared. (the bomb is one which explodes crap everywhere btw) then when it goes BOOM! open it to the entire store laughing
96. Ask if they have Battletoads for the XBox 360... and keep asking coming back with very flimsy disguises.
102. Set off all the talking greeting cards all at once and run around the store with them all in your shopping cart