Aaaaaah thank you so much! Iโve actually wanted a dreamy egg for a loooong while but I just came to realise that they were waaaay outta my price range thatโs definitely made my early morning get up 1000x better!
Thanks to everyone for their lovely comments wishing you all the best of luck for the remaining raffles!
what the heckk i just opened my phone on the way to work how did i actually win something, and a love ball at that not to be cringe but i havent had time to participate in pretty much anything christmassy this year irl and on the forum, and ive been entering these raffles since its quick and i dont have much time, so this is such a nice gift. im shook actually,. thanks oblivia! im hoping everybody else is also lucky, and thanks for the congratulations yall
Hey all! Just a heads up that the raffle will be a bit late due to how seriously I take pizza night and therefore the likelihood of a temporary food coma. Should still be before 8pm, though!
Seems impossible that tomorrow is already December 20th.
Let me just say that in nearly a full decade of hosting this event, there's never been a scenario when we saw two people win the same collectible, and certainly not one of the super specials. Oh well, RNG is RNG and who am I to question? A HUGE congrats to the lovely...