Closed 12 Days of Collectibles

I purchased the December 19th ticket, but it’s not appearing in my inventory.

EDIT: Whoops, nevermind. False alarm. I forgot to hit purchase in my cart. It’s been a long day. 😅
You know, December 18th seems like a good day for two winners. I hope you all are ready to glow, because today's lucky members are...

@Bluelady who's won a beautiful Aurora Sky, and @TalviSyreni who's won a Heart Glow Wand!

The ticket for our December 19th raffle is now available in the shop, and sellback is enabled for today's ticket. I'll see you all tomorrow for our next drawing!
I’ve actually won something on the forum? 😳

My mind is actually blown away right now and I must admit I love the heart wand. Thank you though you’ve made my day and I’m not even out of bed yet. 😂😍
Are we at the halfway point already?! Our lucky day 6 winner is...

@Zii, who has a bright new friend coming their way in the form of a Strange Doll!

Grab a ticket for December 20th, sell back today's ticket for 2 Silver Bells per, and I'll see everyone tomorrow. 🎁
Congratulations @Zii! ^^ And good luck to everyone with today's group, there's some really lovely collectibles there!
me for the next 24 hours bc i desperately want a feather:

congratulations, @Zii! <3
the only thing that really interests me from this lineup is the rad feather, since that's one of the only gradient feathers I'm missing besides the final boss feather 👀
glad to finally know that rad is primarily a yellow-base feather

also, that it's cool, not fresh, that is the green-base feather
Congrats to all the winners so far!!

Celeste, Pink Star Fragment or Rad Feather will you be mine? 👀💗💚🧡 also I cannot say no to another green frag heehee~
Ohhhhh the plushies, the plushies.....RNG I'm begging today