Closed 12 Days of Collectibles

I rarely win a raffle but if I have to win a raffle, I will manifest it would be this one.
You know, December 18th seems like a good day for two winners. I hope you all are ready to glow, because today's lucky members are...

@Bluelady who's won a beautiful Aurora Sky, and @TalviSyreni who's won a Heart Glow Wand!

The ticket for our December 19th raffle is now available in the shop, and sellback is enabled for today's ticket. I'll see you all tomorrow for our next drawing!
Aw man today’s was my favorites !!!
Big congrats to the winners!!! Those are some great collectible pulls 😍
aye, congrats @Bluelady and @TalviSyreni! you both are super sweet and totally deserved to win! i hope you enjoy your new collectibles! ☺️💙

day 6’s collectibles are lookin’ real nice! the swamp and bloodshot potions have been dream collectibles of mine for a while now, so i’ve got my fingers crossed aha. good luck to everyone! <3