Giveaway |★| 15,000 BTB+ | YAS GUYS YAS! WINNERS PG13382

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really? nice :D

That's my very none-elegant way of putting it. I still think people are who they are, I'm just...idk.
I am HUGE into gender, like the topic, even though I don't think of myself as female.
I've wanted to be male temporarily too. Like switching between the two, but I don't have the height for it, so I gave up. So my gender is ?????

O! I was wondering! Do you have a dream address? I see in your sig you have Lucky and, I have been considering getting him for my second town, but I don't know what he's like >< Like I know he's a lazy but I want to get his feel or whatnot xD
Gender is something that we all have but the problem is when for being X gender you have to do or like X things, that's what is wrong. (?) Not very good explaining things owo
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