🥁💥 >:3

These are so cute aklfdjfklfskl, I'd love to join the army if you're not too swamped!! ;v; Absolutely no pressure ofc, thank you very much for considering!


same girl as my current pfp! 💜

With this little kitty charm on the table, please!
it doesn't need to be anywhere close to this level of detail of course!
kitty charm.JPG
I humbly request a temporary stop of new requests so I can catch up without accidentally skipping anyone! Thanks for the interest everyone! 💖 I can’t lock this thread so I’ll leave it open, but please wait until I give the „go“ for new requests! 😊
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I humbly request a temporary stop of new requests so I can catch up without accidentally skipping anyone! Thanks for the interest everyone! 💖 I can’t lock this thread so I’ll leave it open, but please wait until I give the „go“ for new requests! 😊
please remember to breathe haha 💗



(one) singular bongo

lil bongocat
gotta go fast

definitely want to join in on the action here.
yes, one of us! one of us!

can chimmy be on the table pls

Thank you 💜

Starpower Easter Egg

you can say no!!
:D good one xD <3

feel free to choose between them.
it was hard, both are iconique!

Hopefully I'm not too late!
neverrr! yours is still one of my most fave AC reps ever!


Part 2 coming up in a moment I fear the pings won't reach ppl if I put everything here ;u;
Y'all 😂 it's so satifying to watch them all slap the table together haha!


I have now drawn bongo babies for 3 days and 3 nights, and I think I'm kiiiinda starting to have enough of drawing them xD I'll still complete the four remaining requests that were posted here (duckvely, Merielle, Vernellapin, Mimi Cheems), which will bring the total to 41. I think the cap of bongos I can draw until I loose my sanity is 50. So if there are still people out there who crave one, I have 9 last slots to offer!
hope this is alright, struggled a bit with him as I never drew a parrot (?) before
Oh my gosh, Pag-asa looks so adorable! You even put a blue pawprint on his cheek too. 😭💙🐾

In case you're wondering, he's not a parrot lol. He's actually a Philippine Eagle! I feel so bad asking for minor adjustments since you did so much already for a lot of people but first, I want to say a huge thank you, Aquilla! Anyways, could you colour the couch red and the background of the handy dandy notebook green like the one I linked to in my request? And I guess you weren't able to add the black tip on his beak because it would end up blending into his eye?

Please take a breather, Aquilla. You need it lol.
This is so cute! I'd love one of my AC:NH rep if it's not too much trouble.

As for the item on the table, any TBT candy collectible (preferably Rainbow) would be fine with me. Thanks so much!
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Oh my gosh, Pag-asa looks so adorable! You even put a blue pawprint on his cheek too. 😭💙🐾

In case you're wondering, he's not a parrot lol. He's actually a Philippine Eagle! I feel so bad asking for minor adjustments since you did so much already for a lot of people but first, I want to say a huge thank you, Aquilla! Anyways, could you colour the couch red and the background of the handy dandy notebook green like the one I linked to in my request? And I guess you weren't able to add the black tip on his beak because it would end up blending into his eye?

Please take a breather, Aquilla. You need it lol.
Hi Shell! Thanks for your kind words <3 here is a revised version. Sorry for the inconvenience, I sometimes miss small details like these when I loose focus. I have no idea why I left the notebook blank 😆 I also constantly forget to add glasses to characters. I swear I’m not a glasses snob! Just scatterbrained :’D

gotta go fast

I know I've already told you on discord but I love my speedy gal so much!!! Look at her goooo !! She's absolutely perfect, thank you so much!! I would use her as my avi but ur girl doesn't have the gif extension 😪
I know I've already told you on discord but I love my speedy gal so much!!! Look at her goooo !! She's absolutely perfect, thank you so much!! I would use her as my avi but ur girl doesn't have the gif extension 😪
I love her too xD going twice as fast as everyone else! Signatures can do gifs, if you’re interested in that as an alternative 🫶🏼
Hi Shell! Thanks for your kind words <3 here is a revised version. Sorry for the inconvenience, I sometimes miss small details like these when I loose focus. I have no idea why I left the notebook blank 😆 I also constantly forget to add glasses to characters. I swear I’m not a glasses snob! Just scatterbrained :’D

No worries, Aquilla! I can totally relate missing out on the small details from time to time hehehe. Not enough words can cover how much I want to say thank you! I'll be using this gif in my signature if you don't mind. 😄

Now please, go get some much needed rest lol.
:D good one xD <3
Omg noooo you genuinely could’ve said no!!!
I honestly felt so bad requesting because I knew you still had a few requests to do when I posted and then even more came in. I really hope you haven’t been too unbearably overwhelmed with all of this, you’re genuinely such an angel for offering to bless us with your adorable bongo babs for free. 🥹

That being said, I love my girl so so so so much wtf??? Literally everything about this is perfect, she’s so gummy and cute I could eat her!!!!!! And the rainbow Crescent Moon Glow Wand… i love it and u so much thank you u talented goddess u