43 days..

I don't mind Bunny Day but I hope this time I can actually get more Cherry Blossom recipes, I only got two plus one from Isabelle so still got a lot more to get!
I'm not excited unless they add more items to Bunny Day for those who already played last year. I restarted my island since then (Never again I love my current one so much more) so I will have to participate all over again regardless. What I don't like about it is that it kinda interrupts other activities you try to do during that time... alot and it lasted a long time.
I am looking forward to the Cherry Blossom season instead. I need to get those diys again... plus it is pretty. Why can't the pink trees hang around for more than a week? Peak autumn trees where I live only last 2 weeks.
If Bunny Day stays on the same day as Easter in the U.S, it will take place on April 4th this year. Which means only 4 days of prepping
i didn't dislike bunny day but i hope they dont add anything so i can skip the event this time.
Another thought I had why bunny day was so hated is that a lot of people bought the game around launch time or early April because of the hype. They didn't have a lot of time to gather alot of resources to build Nooks Cranny or make a ton of DIY furniture, regular wood especially. And you need certain types of wood to upgrade the tools from the flimsy version. So it was annoying to have your tools break on you while having low rates to get materials to make more tools. And the basic nooks cranny didnt have tools you could buy.
Honestly, I think I would really like Bunny Day if the furniture were at all usable. I adore the Festivale furniture but it’s SO hard to get, there are no DIYs, and the event lasts for a day. I would have been happy to spend a whole week slowly collecting ingredients by completing my regular tasks. Bunny Day didn’t feel as fun simply because I don’t want or need any of the prizes. They’re all so garish and specific. If we got new, more versatile items I’d probably really enjoy the collection mechanic.
If Bunny Day stays on the same day as Easter in the U.S, it will take place on April 4th this year. Which means only 4 days of prepping
I assume the time to prep will always stay the same, unless they adjust it from this year on so it's not so ridiculously long, which IMO is the problem, not the egg spawn rate. Easter's in March every few years (2024 and 2027 are the next ones, 2016 was the last), so it wouldn't make sense then for it to start in April.
I thought bunny day was fine personally. Moreso after the spawn rates were reduced. I liked the idea behind it but it just wasn't executed well.

I did think it would set precedence for the other holidays but unfortunately not. I would've like a week to gather home ingredients like sugar for thanksgiving, for example, but the event was just on the day.

I wonder if this year's Bunny Day will be 12 days again. I'm not sure if it will since so many people disliked it.
I'm not big on Bunny Day, mainly because there's not a single item I want to use for my island... I don't remember any time that event has given me anything usable though, so it's not really a NH problem at least.

I'll still take part for completion sake, but I'll be more interested in the falling cherry blossom petals than any egg.
i'm excited for bunny day only cuz it's so early in the month and we'll get to enjoy the cherry blossom season longer without having to worry about eggs on the trees!
look i am excited and i hope they do something similar because here's the thing - last year i purposely saved earth eggs so i could bury them on my friends island and make him suffer well up until june, it was hilarious and i want to do that again to multiple people this year. howeve ri ma hoping for some new furniture or something, or at least a less tedious event, like only do eggs on the week
I am not excited because i did not enjoy it the first time. The items do not really work for me, it was longer than i could bear, and it was too in your face, at least before they toned it down. I recall that i had decided to just take a break from fishing, which was one of my favorite things to do, because it was annoying to get eggs instead. I wish there was some way to opt out.
I think I'm one of the few that enjoyed it and liked the items. Hoping they have new items for this year, but probably not. I want a big chocolate rabbit.
Knowing me, I'll just collect them because it's just built into me to grab items. I'm thinking it'll be a good troll gift.
My only problem with Bunny Day is one I have with almost all the holidays, and that is the hourly music plays the same song for the entire day, and the event lasts even after you're done with it. You complete the event, but Zipper remains in the plaza and the song continues.

The other day for example, the villagers were broken the entire day. There was no chance of having a normal conversation with them and no chance giving them any gifts. The only "normal" villagers are the ones in the campsite.

However, looking at my screenshots for Bunny Day last year, the villagers seem to have been capable of having normal conversations. So that's a win for Bunny Day

Halloween was perfect because the event didn't last all day long.

It got so bad even Nintendo had to reduce the frequency of how many spawned on the island. Those Balloon Present containing Bunny Day DIYS were all over the place. It was conflicting with other events that was going on like the Cherry Blossom event and of course the Fishing Journey when tried catching fish but you kept getting Water Bunny Day Eggs. I mean just what were they thinking?!

The Bunny Day balloons were separate from the regular ones, and even had different spawn timers. And due to the amount of them before they were nerfed, I was able to get the golden slingshot after 1-2 days of popping them :)
god, i can’t believe it’s almost been a year already. definitely not very excited for it but i’m curious to see if it’ll be any different from last year.