
Males who bully females are weak.
They couldn't handle a fight with another bloke, so they go for the fairer sex, giving the rest of us a bad name.

I'd like to meet these bullies and smack them upside the head for starters.

There is absolutely NOTHING wrong with you!
There IS something wrong with THEM, and it's called cowardice.

Avoid those idiots.
They'll get bored and move on, or someone will teach them a lesson.

You will find all that you want.
There are nice blokes out there that will see that you are a beautiful person who deserves to be treated like a Goddess.

He's out there.
Don't give up!
I don't know why you're always being picked on. You're probably meeting the wrong people.

Well, I'm a male. A straight cis male. And even if I like playing Animal Crossing as the female character, I usually follow gender roles. But I've been nicer to you more than anyone else has. I seem to get along with girls as long as they aren't bad personality-wise. And you aren't bad personality-wise.
I caan absolutely relate to this and wonder the same thing. I think it's something about how boys are raised around here. I've delt with physical, sexual, and mental torture... more so than average and I always wonder what I did to deserve this. I'm always told it's because I'm "soft" and "kind" and "I let things get to me, so I'm easy to pick on". I wouldn't trade being those things for anything... I know there are people out there somewhere who will appreciate the way I am and not take advantage of me. I'm going to keep looking. And you have to find those people too because they're out there. Things will get better.
Nah, I think you're a great person. You're probably just being unlucky meeting those boys that all they wanna do is bully people to make themselves feel better and superior, but I'm sure you're bound to meet someone nice pretty soon and things will go your way. Don't let these negativity affect you and what you think about yourself. I mean, obviously, they aren't the primary source of your happiness so learn to ignore, I guess? You could live without these people. Just remember that not all boys are like that.
Hey hey, that's not true! You just haven't met the right type of guy yet. They're not all like that, I promise. I'm sorry you've had to deal with bullying. No one should ever have to go through that. In truth, males who bully females aren't well looked upon in society. Which means if they do then they're thought of as cowards and generally not good people. But please don't think you'll never find love. You're young and have plenty of time to meet the right guy. Just wait, you'll see there are plenty of nice males in the world. :)
dont worry, there is a man out there for you who will cherish you for who you are, be it as a friend or a love interest
most of the men ive met from school are nasty disgusting vermins but men as a whole are amongst the nicest people ive ever met in comparison to women
trust me, things will get better, even if youve already given up, i gave up and lost that little ray of hope but i found a man who is wiling to help me through my fears and weve been together for a year and a bit now

i wrote this when i was really tired hopefully it isnt weird sounding or anything lol
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Hey there, you're definitely not the only one who has suffered from this! I, too, have been bullied in the past from mostly males too. I can recall barely any times that a female has picked on me, but I can recall heaps of times that males have picked on me.

Unfortunately unlike you I can tell you the reason why, but I think some boys can be nasty for no reason too. If you're looking for a reason why, my best guess is probably because of their age. They're most likely immature and have little understanding on what they're actually saying and how it could effect people. They're just trying to make themselves feel good and superior, as master.leor said. There's nothing wrong with you at all, there's something wrong with them to make them do that. Keep your head held high to make sure that they know that. I'm sure once you get older and they get older they will (hopefully) grow out of that terrible phase and then you can form good friendships or relationships with guys, just like I have.

So what I'm saying is give it time, there's plenty of fish in the sea other than those crappy boys in your school, and I'm sure you'll find someone :blush: In the meantime just think that things will get better and ignore them, you don't need that in your life.
Im actually bullied by males too...and im male...i tend not to trust males ocer females and i rarely cam across a female who thinks they are all that...
im crying at everything in this thread It Is A Mess

anyway bullying is never the victim’s fault even if the victims would have done something wrong doesnt mean it’s ok to bully someone else lol. dealing w bullying isnt easy but maybe you could try going to an adult you trust for help and support idk
So many males are pig. Kinda makes me wish I were a female lol, because I usually hate guys. Also, you just have to meet a man who respects you for you. Not all men are bad, which I know from experience.
But yeah, guys who bullies girls are cowardly af yo
Ironically enough, I'm a male, but I feel the same way about females all the time.

In any case, it's probably just a coincidence that you keep encountering guys like that. The ones that do it are just jerks and feel like they have to pick on others to feel better about themselves. I'm generally pretty well-liked by both guys and girls, but if a guy ever tried to mess with me like that, I'd have him on the floor in seconds thanks to my Aikido and Karate techniques. Those kinds of people are despicable honestly. I would say more about it, but it may sound offensive, so I'll stop here. My main motto in life is "If I'm kind to everyone I meet in life, I'll die without regrets." Those guys obviously have no idea about being kind. And the ones that say they never get angry or cry are chumps. Everyone cries at one point or another.

Sorry for my little rant! I hope you have a great day, week, and that this gets sorted out soon. And you will find the right guy. Don't worry :D

EDIT: I wasn't going to say it, but because of the poster above, I will. As Lady Satsuki in Kill la Kill says, "You are all just pigs in human clothing!" XD

EDIT2: Also, I might add that it has to do with their psychological-makeup as well. For everyone. Depending on your personality, you will encounter people like this during life. For me, it's because I'm na?ve and not even able to be friends with girls. Maybe that's why I feel like they're being snobbish to me all the time. It takes knowing yourself and the people around you well in order to figure this out. I'm just a people person, I guess
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nothings wrong with you most people just suck
Reading this broke my heart.
I'm a cis male myself who's bisexual, and despite the fact that I act masculine (most of the time, anyways), I have always done my best to respect women as much as I could.
Believe me, someday, you'll meet a man who is extremely sweet and nothing like those jerks you described. Defend yourself. These guys are immature and insecure. They're not worth a nanosecond of your time.
I feel like I have the opposite problem. I can't seem to get along with girls for some reason. Very rarely do I meet a girl who doesn't ignore me. ^^; Guys flock to me, it seems.

I'm sure you're just having terrible luck. It also depends on your age cause I found that a lot of guys (girls too though!) were basically children in high school. You'll find at least one nice guy eventually! They aren't all weiners, I promise.
Like everyone else in the thread said please don't feel bad about yourself, I guarantee you have done nothing wrong. People who pick on others are just insecure and looking to feel better about themselves. A lot of people are pathetic rude idiots and if they make fun of you, they are not worth your time or emotional energy. I'm sorry you have had such a bad experience with males but not all guys are like that. My best friend was always picked on by guys when she was in middle school, but now she has plenty of guy friends. It's just a matter of finding ones who are nice.
It is definitely not you. Sometimes really crappy people are drawn to sweet, quiet people. It?s like a bug to an outdoor lamp; your the one who glows and their nastiness wants to walk all over that.

All my life I?ve had at least one person who would try to steal my close friends and then make them their close friend. It?s really jacked up and I never understood why those types ended up gravitating my way. I don?t know if you?re religious, but I learned to turn the other cheek and just pray for them. Not only does it make you better, but wishing for their wellness and change can help you mentally.

I was sitting in my Sociology class and my professor had us watch a video on MLK. He was all about fighting with love and peace, despite having everything happen to him and his fellow African-Americans. He ended up changing society by not giving in to violence or darkness.

You WILL find someone. Never think that because these hate-filled human beings that guise themselves as men make you feel less than worthy of affection, that no man will give this to you. I didn?t start dating until I was 18 and a half years old. No one EVER asked me on a date and it made me feel so worthless, but I found someone who clicks with me. The funny part is that I never would?ve thought of pursuing a relationship with his type, but I?m glad I did. We just had our three-year anniversary about a week ago.

Stay strong, my friend! You have a forum that has your back and loves you! <3
Just read the op post but I don't think it has to do with gender but how they are an ass. You can get away with a lot on the internet.