I tend to use “lol” no caps a lot more than the other options, but usually it’s more of a filler than me actually laughing out loud. If I find something genuinely hilarious I’d use a laughing emoji or “HAHA” and/or “LOL” all caps. Sometimes I’ll even let the person know I am truly laughing out loud. But for the sake of this poll, I chose “lol” since I frequently use that one more than the others.
It really depends, I use different words/emojis depending on how funny something is. "Lol" or crying laughing emoji is like a soft laugh or to indicate I'm joking. Lmaoooo is my go to, but LMAO in all caps means something was really funny. I key smash or use the skull emoji in extreme cases where I'm actually laughing out loud or something really resonated with me.
Until I thought about it, I didn't really realize how many different ways I laughed in text! That's wild!
"rofl" - that's very funny!
"hehe" - acknowledgment of something funny/a weird attempt at connecting with people because I am bad at socializing
"haha" - acknowledgement that something is somewhat funny, but not quite a hehe or a rofl
"hahaha" - something is actually funny, but "rofl" might be inappropriate in this context
I use "lol" which I sort of hate but I'm paranoid I'll sound too severe or matter-of-the-fact. I know it's weird but I bet there's a bunch of people who can't tell I'm joking and think I'm a giant butthead.
I'm usually just an emoji person or I use phrases like, "I'm dead, I can't, I'm crying/screaming."
I use a combination. lol can come off as sarcastic or insincere so I only use it with groups I'm closer with. I usually use haha or with a laughing emoji