4GB SD Card not Wii Compatible?


Senior Member
Jan 3, 2009
I just purchased a 4GB SD(HC) card today and when I try to save pictures from Animal Crossing to it I receive an error message.

Are 4GB cards incompatible with the Wii Console? If so, that's pretty lame for today's standard...
I once bought a 4GB SD card from Woot.com but then someone told me it wouldn't work with the Wii so I canceled it.
stormcommander said:
I once bought a 4GB SD card from Woot.com but then someone told me it wouldn't work with the Wii so I canceled it.
That sucks.. Good job I decided to buy the 2GB one instead of the 4GB >_>
Nope, won't work. I've heard that some 4GB SD cards work, but I don't know if that's true or not. Anyway, 2GB is more than enough.
Well they do work but you need some random stuff to make it work.
CheapyD made an article about it. I'll try to find it.
If it says SDHC it won't work, but there are some 4GB cards that are not SDHC.
Nope highest is 2gb.
Sucks really.
I have a 1gb one and a 2gb one :D