Polymorphing insect
Anomaly is full of magic, from the fairy forest and dragon's castle, down to the mystical mermaid cottage. There are a few spooky touches kept year-round. There's a lot of hopping and rolling to be found, and a few secrets tucked away too.
There is some load-popping that happens, mostly on the bottom left corner. I don't really mind it, and I think it fits with the weird, magical vibe. If load popping bothers you too much, you may want to skip this mystical isle. If you visit, I just recommend taking it a little slower alround the bottom part of the map and watching the island build itself around you at points.
My wife Willow lives here too, the lone human among my fairies, dragon, and merperson.
I also keep a physical ACNH journal (from day 1) where I use cute stickers, sometimes draw and sometimes get way too intense about animal crossing like naming my streets and meticulously planning Bangle's birthday...
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