• The Bell Tree Fair 2024's closing ceremony is finally here! Event results, TBTer drawings, collectible reveal, quiz answers, art, stories, raffles, and more. You can find the six-part thread in the Bulletin Board! Thank you, everyone, for making our TBT birthday celebration so special!

A bit nervous for multiplayer/streetpass features for me :(

I somehow picked up a Nintendo Employee on Streetpass, but I never take my 3DS with me anywhere, I had it on sleep mode in my house one time though....so weird.

That would have come through SpotPass - Miyamoto and Iwata get sent out to everyone's 3DS from time to time, to help with jigsaw panel collections.
That would have come through SpotPass - Miyamoto and Iwata get sent out to everyone's 3DS from time to time, to help with jigsaw panel collections.
That's what I thought, but I got the achievement for my first streetpass.
I already have over 100 spotpasses.
I'm hopeful that these as-yet unannounced wifi features will compensate for how rare StreetPasses can be for most Americans. In a country like this, which is so large and only densely popular in some areas, Nintendo has to understand that the StreetPass features in this game will be inherently unplayable for most players unless they make some changes. Maybe it will let you populate your Showcase area with the homes of people on your friends list, and from StreetPasses.

Anyway, as for StreetPass ideas... many good suggestions in this thread, like the airport and the malls. Do you have a library in your town? Do they have a gaming program for teens? Maybe you can meet some people there and exchange FriendCodes that way. If they don't have one, ask the youth librarian to start one. ^_^ If you ever go to a convention (any kind), take your 3DS. Tons of StreetPasses to be had, for sure!
lol. We were just talking about this...

I'm the type that prefers a few close friends over a billion acquaintances. I've been on this forum now for a while chatted with people, and usually only add people who seem mature and like they have some common courtesy.

My recommendation is that you do the same. Add like... say 4 people from this forum, and when the game comes out ask them to refer a friend THEY have that's a courteous player, and then you've got lots of reliable contacts. You can also put tiles down giving town rules, like a "stop" sign and a hand picking a flower or item icon. Meaning don't take anything. And a big red X over an axe or something. Put those in front of your train station.
Hope this hasnt been asked already but...for streetpass features to work, do you need the game to be active (but asleep)? If not, do you need the game card to be in the system (for physical copies)?
It's my understanding that you have to have the game ON but in the home menu to receive game-related material via a streetpass. You do not have to have a game playing, but you do have to have your system on and asleep to receive streetpass Mii's.

Edit: Some games have a streetpass feature built in-- i.e. Nintendogs you have to select in game that you're taking your dog out for a streetpass walk and close the system. The number of steps you take generates a prize when you open the system up again and any streetpass information gained is viewable at that time.
So basically the game has to be active with the 3DS asleep? That's a shame, because if you have multiple games that use streetpass, only one will be able to benefit from the feature?
So basically the game has to be active with the 3DS asleep? That's a shame, because if you have multiple games that use streetpass, only one will be able to benefit from the feature?

The game does not have to be active, just in the system. So digital buyers gain quite a bit in this regard.
A lot of video game stores are selling e-credit cards for major online game vendors like Steam, Facebook, mobile app stores etc...there's a market for them because a lot of the customers will be too young to have their own credit card. The market's evolving and stores have to adapt to survive. I don't like being guilt tripped into using brick and mortar stores.
The game does not have to be active, just in the system. So digital buyers gain quite a bit in this regard.

Are you sure? The Nintendo website says the following. Emphasis is mine.

Social and wired like no Nintendo system before it, Nintendo 3DS brings fellow players together in exciting new ways with StreetPass™ communication. Set your Nintendo 3DS to Sleep Mode and carry it with you wherever you go to exchange game data like Mii? characters, high scores, and custom characters with other users you pass on the street. You control what data you exchange, and you can exchange data for multiple games at once, making virtual connections with real world people you encounter in your daily life.​

To me, that makes it sound like if you have StreetPass on, and you get a StreetPass with another person, whatever possible data about any or all of the games you've played and activated for StreetPass is traded, not just digital download games. So, a digital copy probably doesn't have any advantages for StreetPasses.

Unless I'm reading this all wrong, of course. ^_^

PumpkinVine is right, the 3DS stores data for up to 12 StreetPass games at once. (see StreetPass Management in Settings) You do not need to have the game in the system to receive StreetPasses.

Of course, to actually empty them into the game, you need to put the game cart in your system. Most games have a limit of 10 that can be stored at once before the game cart needs to put in. I don't know if Animal Crossing is 10 though. (Super Mario 3D Land is only 3) It might be smaller and that's what Zen is referring to?
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Brought my 3DS out to Walmart and got 2 streepasses ^_^ I don't really go out that much though, but I will try to take it with me when I can... By the way, I live in a town of 900 people, not that many. Very rural, so not really a bunch of gamers, if it is gaming, its some random guy sitting in his recliner with a beer playing Call of Duty. XD But yeah, I know of 4 people in my entire school that have a 3DS system. 1 of those people is someone who deeply annoys me and I look forward to get out of my single class I have with them throughout the day. There are 2 people who *MIGHT* get animal crossing if I ask if they are interested, but I am not so sure. Then there is another person who is really annoying and basically stalks my neighbor. That neighbor though is a good friend and she wants to get the new animal crossing game, but still needs to get a 3DS. She has a little brother she would have to share with though who whines whenever he doesnt get what he wants so it is really annoying when she wants to play multiplayer with me, we use skype and the whole time her brother is whining, and whining is one of my worst pet peeves >_> Yeah I live in a very strange neighborhood.

And the closest big shopping centers are at least 25 miles away. Walmart is like 35-40... So we stock up a whole bunch on groceries and dont get a bunch for awhile.
Just sitting in the cab today I got a streetpass from someone from New Brunswick, Canada... I wonder what they were doing in NY? New York is literally the easiest place to get streetpasses outside of Japan.
I can understand that you are worried! I used to be, but if someone does try to vandalize your town I'm sure you can close the gate, or just turn the system off if you need to.
When I was in London a month or so ago, I StreetPassed someone with New Leaf. So jealous...
Just sitting in the cab today I got a streetpass from someone from New Brunswick, Canada... I wonder what they were doing in NY? New York is literally the easiest place to get streetpasses outside of Japan.

for the mii plaza yes, for games that can be bit hard, i have trendsetters and got only one pass, mk7 tons. so i am hoping lots of people in ny get new leaf.
for the mii plaza yes, for games that can be bit hard, i have trendsetters and got only one pass, mk7 tons. so i am hoping lots of people in ny get new leaf.

I'm going skating this afternoon up at Rockefeller Center so I'm going to bring my 3DS with me and gona pop by Nintendo World to see if I can get a lot of streetpasses there. Also, StreetpassNYC is a group that meets up to exchange streetpasses... I've never been to any of their events but I think they said somewhere on fb that they were planning to have an NL meetup once the game is released, which would be cool to casually pass by if you're looking for NL streetpasses :)
Even if you do have trust issues, I'm pretty sure there will be an option to kick people out over wi-fi like there was in CF. :)