A couple issues/bugs: New posts and subscriptions


Senior Member
Feb 18, 2015
I'm not sure why, but yesterday I subscribed to a thread after posting, but even though I got a response, it wasn't ever listed. I have no idea what could be causing this problem.

Also, there is an issue that sometime the first comment of a new page can't be viewed because the last page can't be accessed. I've run into this multiple time, and the only way I can see the message is looking at the small line in the posters recent activity, or by posting so the page comes up. At least this problem seems to make sense; it seems to have a bug where the XX1[SUP]th[/SUP] comment is somehow still part of the previous page, so a new page isn't generated, but the page is made to only show 10 posts.

Posting here because it was listed as the best way to let mods know, and also to see if anyone else has had these problems
as for the first question, i dont know really know why you arent getting it listed, are you using chrome?

for the second one, if you post a comment after someone and say they were the 10th and you were the 11th, it will not go to a new page until you hit refresh

Peoyne held a giveaway where she got comments like every second. Once you post, the comments will refresh, but not the actual page. During the giveaway, i got up to 40 comments on one page! Thats how fast people would post before I could refresh!

Correct me if I am wrong on this, but I believe it all has to do with timing :)

(sorry if i didnt answer your questions at all lmao i cant really understand them too well :/)
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Well, no. The first problem probably had to do with the error when she was posting the reply (she just told me about that, so I didn't have it in the post).

The second problem I have encountered many times, the first time when someone ordered something from me and I couldn't see what they asked for because it wouldn't show the page. There was no issue about reloading; no matter how many times I reloaded it still didn't show up until I made another post, at which point both showed up on a new page.
Well, no. The first problem probably had to do with the error when she was posting the reply (she just told me about that, so I didn't have it in the post).

The second problem I have encountered many times, the first time when someone ordered something from me and I couldn't see what they asked for because it wouldn't show the page. There was no issue about reloading; no matter how many times I reloaded it still didn't show up until I made another post, at which point both showed up on a new page.

ooooh ok i got it,
like all glitches, it couldve been caused by the bot count, but they have went down a lot, so its pretty unlikely that is the real reason. maybe you should try restarting the browser? haha I don't really know how to answer this one... could just be computing issues i guess. Sorry for lack of help

i hope you find the answers you are looking for and fast :D
ooooh ok i got it,
like all glitches, it couldve been caused by the bot count, but they have went down a lot, so its pretty unlikely that is the real reason. maybe you should try restarting the browser? haha I don't really know how to answer this one... could just be computing issues i guess. Sorry for lack of help

i hope you find the answers you are looking for and fast :D

It's not really a question to be answered. The first issue was probably a freak occurance that the internet or site going down at some exact moment could cause; fixing it would require a lot of work and might cause other bugs, as the timing for everything can't be identicle, so the most likely bug to come of "fixing" this issue would be it registering a post, but nothing shows up, which would be worse. The second, however, seems to be something slightly wrong with the coding that might be able to be fixed without much fuss, and the only issue I can think of that might come from it is sometimes having a blank page at the end.