Auction ★ A N K H A ★ the Egyptian kitty is IN BOXES ✦ >>CLOSED<<

I was like "ok I know she payed for these but it's not showing up andohmygodwowisthishappening"
Okay...I'm going to my monkey conductor now! :D

And I get to pay lea baaack...I get to pay lea baaack... :p
Thanks you guys! Had a little bit of trouble with retail but thanks pengu for letting us know XD. I'll rate both you guys, enjoy Ankha Ankhes!
Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank infinity! I'll pay you back. Please let me. Or at least give you something! I'm soooo happy!!!

OMG OMG OMG..........I got her at last!

Off to rate you BOTH!!! And then spread my happiness in a new thread probably............ :D
Well, I guess we were just proving Murphys Law, lol
Aren't you glad that the wifi didn't glitch tooooo?
Thanks so much for your patience, Katy.
I should have remembered about the next day thing. - ReTail is always like that, I just never paid attention. Well, I will remember now, thats for sure! :D

- - - Post Merge - - -

Thank you thank you thank you thank you thank infinity! I'll pay you back. Please let me. Or at least give you something! I'm soooo happy!!!

OMG OMG OMG..........I got her at last!

Off to rate you BOTH!!! And then spread my happiness in a new thread probably............ :D
You are very welcome!!!! :D
But absolutely no pay back. Just help someone else smile sometime. Or give them a massive panic attack, lol!!!!!
Really? You got such kindness, too? It is really amazing the wonderful people we meet here, isn't it?

Lea...I WILL continue to pay forward as much as I can. Last night I gave away my golden slingshot, I give perfect fruits, a few villagers...and I know how good it feels to do things like that.

But 30 million bells??? I'm just amazed. Well, I won't go against your wishes if you really don't want me to repay you. We'll stay in touch and help make others happy...okay? *still crying a little* Oh, and HUGS to everyone who helped and supported me here. It means more than I can express.