My current forum site has died out, litteraly. There arent any members that go there anymore, so...I was wondering if anyone had an idea that I can make a new forum site about. Do you? Please?
Yes Storm, I agree with that.
But I'm still making a site, actually I've already made one. (But I'm not sure completely yet if it's going to be my ACTUAL site. I'm experimenting with skins and stuff right now)
I made a forum in Dec., and it was unactive and then like a couple of weeks ago a bunch of people joined, but now it's unactive again. I have 47 members right now.
Porn sites usually get a decent stream of visitors.
But uhh... I dunno what you could do. Try to find a niche, though. Just raping a tired old idea some more won't really bring in the visitors- other sites will have already done it better than you.