A Pokemon moved in


Junior Member
Sep 20, 2015
Hey guys. I'm new so I don't konw much about this forum. I hope there are nice people who can help me :blush:
I'm german but I came here because the german forums I know are too small. No one had the items I'm looking for...
About me:
My favorite Pok?mon are Weavile and Gardevoir.
I'm german but I've been learning english for more than 15 years. I guess I will understand you if you don't use slang language. :blush: Oh and when I use a wrong word or grammar please don't be too strict, ok? In fact I've been learning a weird mix of british englisch, american english and australian english. That can be confusing sometimes, but I'll do my best.
Ah yes, a pokemon fan!
We have a whole board dedicated to pokemon so you should fit right in! Glad to have you
Welcome to TBT, ILoveWeavile :)

I may be wrongly speaking for everyone when I shouldn't be, but.. Feel free to ask questions, I've done that and found great help along with a great friend! Or, perhaps you should visit the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) board. I've found some very useful stuff there and I'm suurre you will to. :)
Enjoy your stay here!
Welcome to the forums! :)
I haven't seen too many people here who are really strict about spelling and grammar, so don't worry! If you ever need anything, you can message me! I hope you enjoy your time here :)
Woo! Another pokemon fan! Feel free to private message me whenever you want to battle/trade. I'm always up for it.