A Tip for Tools not to break so often

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Senior Member
Nov 22, 2020
Okay so tools in New Horizons break often which can be annoying since there is no indication when a tool is about to break and it can happen at the worst times when you're fishing, catching bugs, hitting a rock 6 times, or watering flowers. If you buy tools at Nook Cranny's (not the flimsy ones) but the tools that can take like 100 hits like the Colorful Shovel example, you can customize it to restart its durability so that way it doesn't break. So what I would do is always have a customization kit in your pockets and have a work bench nearby on your island when you're doing a lot stuff with your tools and if you feel like its going to break customize the tool to restart the durability.
Yep. You can customize the tools you craft as well.
Yeah that too. Only downside is that it doesn't work for golden tools which sucks because in past games they would never break which makes them feel worthless in New Horizons since they break often and there is no way to customize them.
I always carry up to 50 customization kits with me. When I fall below 5, I make sure to head back to Nook's cranny and stock back up.

It's hard to guess where I'm at with some of my tools, so I'll customize them each day just to be safe.

When it comes to cleaning up flowers, I found it's best to set your inventory up so you can only hold about 27 flowers. This way you can repair the shovel after each time you fill your inventory.
Are the tools you buy at the upgraded Nook's Cranny more resistant than the sturdy one you can craft? I do not think so?
Much better than my method.
Sell all my tools that I used a lot, then buy a new set.
I haven't broken a tool in times of need, but it does get spendy
I feel like that is just as inconvenient.
I wish we were given non breakable tools.
Having to go customize it is about the same trip as having to go purchase one at the shops for me unfortunately.
This works for me since i like to change the colors of my tools often! Still, an indicator would help as well.
As much as I like this tip I feel like this makes Gold Tools in the game a lot more useless, because you cannot customize them.
Totally makes gold useless. I also know of this tip, but barely use it because I never know when it will break. I can just customize it when I think it's about to, but I don't know if it's close to happening, halfway, or too early. I'd have to count each strike for it to be worth the bells. But that just seems like more work then necessary to me. So I just end up having a second tool in my list and then go and buy another one when one kicks the bucket.
this isn't an issue with me since i customize my tools at the beginning of every play session to match my outfit, but i understand it's still inconvenient for the majority of players, even as a workaround. i'm still of the mind that gold tools, at the very least, should've been unbreakable. currently, they're not worth the gold required to make them, and so the only gold tools i use are the axe/can/slingshot since they're the ones i use the least. honestly, i probably wouldn't mind them being breakable as much if they'd carried over their perks from NL (or received new ones) because then there would at least be some benefit to using them.
this isn't an issue with me since i customize my tools at the beginning of every play session to match my outfit, but i understand it's still inconvenient for the majority of players, even as a workaround. i'm still of the mind that gold tools, at the very least, should've been unbreakable. currently, they're not worth the gold required to make them, and so the only gold tools i use are the axe/can/slingshot since they're the ones i use the least. honestly, i probably wouldn't mind them being breakable as much if they'd carried over their perks from NL (or received new ones) because then there would at least be some benefit to using them.
Yeah it's a shame that the gold tool didn't carry over the patterns for stumps. I know that's a silver tool thing, but gold axe was just unbreakable. Other tools like net had a wider net, gold shovel helped with hybrids better if I am remembering correctly, slingshot shot three pellets, and I forget what the fishing rod did.

But adding these little things would make them more worthwhile to craft and use gold on.
Yeah it's a shame that the gold tool didn't carry over the patterns for stumps. I know that's a silver tool thing, but gold axe was just unbreakable. Other tools like net had a wider net, gold shovel helped with hybrids better if I am remembering correctly, slingshot shot three pellets, and I forget what the fishing rod did.

But adding these little things would make them more worthwhile to craft and use gold on.

gold fishing rod gave you more time to reel in the bobber before the fish swam off. gold shovel was money trees and made fertilizer more effective, i think. like you said though, the gold axe could've carried over the silver axe's ability to make stump patterns, and the gold can (since it already has the range) could've increased hybrid chances or something.
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