It’s been almost a year since the game released and I know of several people who either aren’t playing ACNH at all anymore or much more sparingly. How much are you still playing?
As of late I mostly play every once and a while with taking decent length breaks. I still have a few things I want to accomplish in game but it’s fairly repetitive so I’ll often not play for a few days to a week or two. I’m hoping some year 2 updates will bring me back more regularly but we’ll have to see.
Yeah, I try to play at least a few minutes every day. Lately I’ve been checking shops and doing the money tree/rock at the minimum. I have also been cleaning up my town to make some additional room for builds, too. I like that AC is still a game where you don’t really have to concentrate on anything.
i have almost 2000 hours on NH now, i play all day everyday and honestly that's pretty bad
i say i'll play for a little while but i get so caught up in the game that i don't notice a whole day has passed
I'm still playing. I'm in love with the spring season and rain in the game. I can see why others may play less now. Most of us at this point should have caught all the bugs, fish, and fossils for the museum, got all our dreamies, finished terraforming, and the rest.
I'm redoing my first town right now, so I do a little of that each day with house moving and incline/bridge building. Since I do have a second Switch, I am doing the museum again.
For me, it goes in waves. There can be lengths of time where I'm very motivated and inspired to design what I want and get the villagers that I want and then there are times where I'm not very motivated at all and I might get on every few days just to check in with villagers or see if Flick is around to get a bug model then move on to something else.
I think it's really important though to take some much needed time away from the game, even if it's for a few days sometimes you just need to step back from it especially after going so hard at it for so long.
I'm interested to know if there has been anyone that has played every single day since launch.
I still play every day. Once in a while, very rarely, I'll miss a day, but I just set the clock back to make up for it the next day. I always have something to do. The game has kept me interested, I think because of the ability to decorate our island. Now that I've gotten into a groove of sorts, I'm looking to change things up every month, at least as far as flower arrangements and such. I've moved my house a couple of times over the year, and have really enjoyed changing up my island seasonally since late summer.
That's not to say I'm never disappointed with things. I was hoping for a much larger update for the 1 year anniversary. And I thought that it'd be cool if we got more events/holidays spread through the year, even changing things up year by year to keep it interesting. But still... it's a great game.
I played a lot the first month, then sparingly the next two, and then barely once every month until last month.
But I’ve fallen for the charms of the game finally, and all my villagers, and so I log in every day now and plan to for a loooong time. Love playing this game!
Although I voted ‘I play religiously’ I feel that is not quite my experience. To me religious implies a sense of duty or responsibility to play (this is not a criticism of them poll, just my personal reflections on my relationship to the game)
I still play everyday, not because I feel obligated or as if I ought to play every day. I just play everyday because that is how often I want to play.
I waited and waited to get bored or burnt out but it has never happened. I go through different intensities to how much I play - an hour a day up to several, but I have never yet felt like I didn’t want to play at all.
I’ve bought a couple other games and tried them out, Pokémon, Mario cart, etc. but none have hooked me the way this game did. (I really do want to play Pokémon someday, this is the main video game I played in the past on gameboy/ ds). And frankly I don’t have the time to get into another game at this point.
so I feel like I am probably in it for the long haul.
Used to play everyday for at least 3 hours in one sitting. Now, I play it once in a while, at least once or twice a week for about the same length of 3 hours lol. But at most I go a week and a half without logging in at all. I usually want to get on if there's an event going on or an update just released with some new items/DIYs~ (most of the time not even new stuff, just stuff being reintroduced)
I've clocked maybe 1500+ hours into the game. I love AC but you do run out of things to do pretty quickly. It's not a game where you play like, 6-7 hours in one sitting. I save that for Breath of the Wild and Story of Seasons lol
AC is a game to just do a few tasks a day, a bit at a time. Fish, catch bugs, garden....but nowadays just mostly fish and dive, and catch bugs...and just focus on completing the museum. After that's done...then what? What's left to do after 'catching 'em all'? I guess just 100% the Nook Miles Achievements, 100% the catalog...craft 1 of everything, max out your house(s), storage, etc.
Or just restart fresh at some point if you're not too attached to your island. Try out some new ideas/themes/aesthetics, meet new villagers, in general just approach the game in a different way.
I zstill play but I do take pretty lengthy breaks. I basically pick up the game whenever something new happens, like the Sanrio villagers being added or some holiday or something.
Otherwise, like... the villagers have so few varied lines that it's not like it really matters.
I took a break in the late summer/ early autumn where I would only play for 1 or 2 days a week.
But im back in the swing of things the last few months.
I will say my attitude towards time travel has laxed since completing the museum.
I won't time travel to achieve my daily goals, but I'm fine for time travelling to do stuff like terraforming in one sitting instead of over the course of 2 weeks because you're moving buildings.
So my play has changed over time, but I'm stills here and it's without a doubt one of the best purchases I've ever made.
Sometimes I skip days but I usually play every day. Some days I’ll play for hours still. Animal Crossing has always been my comfort game. When I feel more depressed than usual I’ll play and it makes me feel better.
I play it every now and then. Sometimes I will boot up the game because it has been a while, but just shut it off right after because there's not much to do or hold my interest. Which is why I want beefier updates to come sooner than later.
I still do but not as often sadly due to lack of single-player content aside from decorating. I log on every few days and the most I do there is talk to my villagers, checking the able sisters to add clothes to my catalogue, and occasional cleanups of my flowers spreading. It would usually average around 30 minutes before I log off and play something else.
I'm playing a couple days a week. But I took a very long break over the fall because I was just way too busy with work to even think about playing. But it was cool to come back to the game and catch up on everything I had missed. I wasnt as in love with the game as I expected to be when it first came out. So I think it was beneficial for me to take a break early and come back when there were some updates out and more items. Plus I didn't have any sense of rush to "finish first" or anything. I'm getting a few things done but I expect to slow down again because I really want to play the new Stardew update and I just don't have time to play more than one game at a time haha.
The game will be there though and I'm sure I'll come back to it again, for years to come! Been wanting to hit new leaf again as well!
I put in 3000 hours into this game and I got to the point where I needed a break. After playing for a year I am just out of stuff to do in the game. Before you say anything I completed my island, completed the museum, gotten all the villagers I want, completed the nook mile achievements, and of course did a lot of trading with other people to get stuff I want. I am just feeling worn out from this game and I don't feel that accomplished. I know I mentioned this on several threads but the game is just the same as it was last year with no new improvements. Yes its 2021 and we are still waiting for Quality of Life improvements.
I would play on certain days when there is a certain thing happening like if there is a new event I'm interested in or if its like new items being added I would check it out. However that Sandro update that I saw is not something I am interested in hence the reason why it was a sign that it was time for me to step away from the game. I am just getting tired of expecting too much with this game as the months go by and that is why I made the decision to put this game to rest and pick it back up until there is new improvements made to the game whenever it happens.