A Year Later Are You Still Playing?

How Much Do You Still Play ACNH?

  • I still play religiously every single day

    Votes: 103 34.6%
  • I play fairly often but sometimes skip days

    Votes: 88 29.5%
  • I play every once and a while but will often take decent length breaks

    Votes: 90 30.2%
  • I haven’t touched the game at all in forever

    Votes: 17 5.7%

  • Total voters
I play everyday, usually around an hour, sometimes more. I've reset a few times since the game came out so I feel like I'm a long way from "finishing" it. I haven't put as much pressure onto myself since my last reset so my experience is overall better.
Around December I completely lost interest in the game.
I was done decorating my island and I had put so much work into it that I didn't want to demolish areas that I wanted to change. There wasn't anything to do since I'm not someone who plays with a strict daily routine in mind.
A few weeks ago I re-started my island and it's been great! It felt sad to delete the island I had spent 400 hours on but I am now playing every day and truly enjoying it again :) I guess the decorating aspect is what keeps me interested - since there are almost no villager interactions or minigames that kept Animal Crossing interesting in previous games.
I got the game in mid-May and have logged just under 1200 hours on it. Last fall I kind of lost interest for a couple months, logging in intermittently during that time. However, activating my online membership changed that. I'm now on the game most days, trading for exclusive items here on Bell Tree. (I wouldn't trust anywhere else. 😊)

Glad I finally got unlimited data on this phone now, even if the signal is weak and prone to dropping. It allows me to be a part of a great online community here. I likely wouldn't still be playing otherwise.
I usually play for a week and then stops for a month. Sometimes I get addicted to the game like at the beginning but since I do everything obsessively I get burnt out of the game after a week or so.
That way I was getting ready for Festivale and the day of the even I didn't even play and I didn't bother time-travel back either when it was over lmao.

That's also what I've done with previous games, so it's not an indicator of the quality of the game.
I've been playing for a couple of days, then a few months break, rinse, and repeat, although right now I really want to get my island to be all that it can be.
Still playing daily since day one.

This is the first AC game I've played consistently on a daily basis. Even if there's nothing to do on my island, I still make it a habit of logging into the game and checking out the shops and talking to my villagers. My day feels incomplete without playing the game, even for just 15 minutes.
I've put alot of hours into New Horizons but i'm definitely not playing it as much as when it came out.
I want to craft, but im just turned off by only being able to do one at a time, the special visitors algorithm bothers me, there's no upgrades after upgrading nooks cranny. I miss main street, i miss having some sort of goal to work towards. I still play new leaf regularly and city folk on GameCube. New horizons feels empty, but i will definitely be playing it for years to come because i can't resist haha
I still play every day with no time-traveling, though I may tone it down once March winds down if we don't have any word of a 2.0 patch in teh near future.
I play every once and a while but will often take decent length breaks.

I haven’t played in a week. I take breaks often just because I find myself bored. I think I’ve done this with every animal crossing game.
I still play every day. It's the first Animal Crossing game that I've consistently played pretty much every single day since release.
I take decent length breaks. I find that it’s more fun for me that way. I think I would get bored pretty quickly if I tried playing every single day. I’ve already completed my island, have all my dreamies, and have all the fossils in the museum. I’m still missing other things in the museum though and DIY recipes as well as certain Nook Mile achievements, and I have a feeling if I had played every single day since release I’d already be done with those as well. So by not doing that I feel like I’m extending for how long I play the game (hope that made sense).
I still play because I do enjoy the game. I tend to play every day, but I do skip days sometimes. Sometimes I play for hours, or just an hour. I am still experiencing different villagers since this is my first AC game. But I am getting super close to knowing my favorites. I already know who I really like and who I don't care for. I am still trying to make my island how I like it so there is still plenty for me to do. And I am getting amiibos to help out.
I'd imagine when I finally get my island to where I am mostly happy with it and not interested in uprooting it anymore, my play times will be shorter.
I restarted my island in January which I think helps. Before I did that I didn't play for a few months. I wasn't happy with my last island at all.
Recently i've started playing every day to do my dailies (water flowers, dig up fossils, get my DIYs, give gifts to villagers, etc). But I had taken a long 3 month break in late 2020 as I had gotten burnt out, and that will likely happen soon again lol.
I play quite decently often, but I’ve found that I get sick of how I’ve designed my island more and more. I recently flattened my island and rebuilt but I’m just not happy with the layout or what I’ve done to decorate. I also recently got some new amiibos from Etsy but I don’t want to bring in new villagers when I’m so unhappy with my island. I see tons of pictures of other peoples islands and they look so amazing and I try to emulate it but I can’t. Anyway! If anyone has any tips for me that would be great lol. I would love to be just as excited about playing as I was a year ago:(
I still play everyday. Usually it’s for about an hour or two. Sometimes longer if I have the day off. I started on release day and started my second island in January. So I have plenty to keep me busy. I am still trying to figure out what I want to do for parts of my islands, trying to finish the museum.
I play everyday. Checking my mail, shopping at Nooks and Ables. Usually like a half hour of play. But if I have a idea to redecorate my island then I put in WAY more hours. I'm expecting to do that when the Sanrio update goes through. 😁💕💕
took a bit of a break last year but now i'm back and hoping to actually finish my island this time! but sometimes i still am unable to play so i still miss some days lol
I play almost everyday but there's been a few skips especially if I'm playing another game, my day is too busy to or just feeling lazy.