A Year Later Are You Still Playing?

How Much Do You Still Play ACNH?

  • I still play religiously every single day

    Votes: 103 34.6%
  • I play fairly often but sometimes skip days

    Votes: 88 29.5%
  • I play every once and a while but will often take decent length breaks

    Votes: 90 30.2%
  • I haven’t touched the game at all in forever

    Votes: 17 5.7%

  • Total voters
I've played most days, but sometimes I feel like it's out of habit/addiction rather than enjoyment.

I genuinely do think it's a good game, but I'm realizing I'm getting caught in the feedback loop. There are days when I don't want to play, but I turn it on to make sure I haven't missed something–items in the shops, orderable items, NPCs, or just grinding to get more villager photos.

I plan on playing less this year, which is not a knock on the game, just more about personal time management.
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i try to play every day, especially since i recently flattened my island to start over with a new theme and need items. i have a few problems with the game overall that i would like fixed but overall i'm pretty happy with it. i'm definitely looking forward to the sanrio update and hope to complete the catalog and museum someday!
i've been playing more often again lately, though i'll often take breaks of a day or two. i took a few really long breaks towards the end of last year which led to me missing a lot of the events. it was frustrating since i had to TT back to enjoy them, but i think it was still worth it in the long run.

i've been playing animal crossing for years now and long breaks always help - this is especially the case with NH where 1) there's arguably less to do in terms of NPCs/events/certain in-game features and 2) an almost overwhelming amount of customisation in relation to the aesthetics of your island. plus, i don't want to get burned out for months on end again and risk missing the next big update!
I played fairly consistently all year although I kinda burned out towards the end with the most recent holidays like Festivale and Thanksgiving so I didn't play those much. Now that the snow is gone I'm much more motivated to play again! I'll probably start up some new landscaping projects as well.
I still play every day...but on most days it's literally only for two or three minutes. It's part of my daily routine before I get out of bed. I grab my Switch from next to my bed, and I do my daily island activities. That takes a couple minutes. Then I save and quit, and don't usually play again until the next day. Once in a while I will play for 15 or 20 minutes...but that's not usually the case. It's usually just a prelude to starting my day.
I haven't been playing the game actively for quite a while now. Basically, I'm waiting until the game has a little more content and then come back.
I still play 4 or 5 times a week, on my free days i spend 2 or 3 hours a day :)

I do sometimes skip days or weeks, in September even a month! But the update keep making me come back! So I'm really thankful for that

I actually really like the pace i have now, its exactly what i wanted and expected to be like! But my brother got the game to a month ago, so if it wasn't for him I'm not sure if i would be playing as much
I played the game nearly everyday for the first few months of its release but then I became quite burnt out by it and went back to some other games for a bit and then had a big break from gaming altogether for a while as I was busy with other things in my life.

During the beginning of December I got back into playing New Horizons and since then I've played it most days and have been really enjoying it again. I've collected a lot of villager photos, done quite a bit of island hopping, completed some more Nook accomplishments (as well as the fish and sea creature sections of the critterpedia and museum) and I've taken a greater interest in decorating my island. There are days when I don't play the game for very long, especially when I'm stuck in a creativity block but for the most part I'm enjoying playing the game at the moment.
I still play everyday on 2 islands. I mostly gift a few villagers for their photos, and I do a bunch of nook miles plus tasks. I only skipped playing one day on my main island because it was going to snow all day without even an hour of no snow. It was a Sunday so I didn’t have to worry about missing Redd. I try to avoid playing in the snow/rain because otherwise the next day I get 60-70 new flower buds and a broken shovel.
I was playing from May to September, then I stopped for a few months and I came back to playing on a new island now ^^ I plan to play a bit everyday, but without overdoing it as I want to mantain my studies and do other things c:
Just got back into it recently, actually! I had put in about 500-600 hours in the first three months of release, burned myself out and didn't touch it for months, but a few of my friends started playing again recently and told me about the Mario day stuff, so I thought I'd try incorporating the Pipes on my island. Along the way, discovered a lot of other stuff to do (I didn't play that much compared to a lot of other people here with thousands of hours, so I wasn't surprised) and now I'm going back to do some events and grab stuff I'd missed the last couple of months, too.
I've been playing the game daily since it came out, and while I've gradually slowed down the amount I've played over time, I'm still managing to put in like an hour daily doing the daily tasks I've set out for myself. My goal is to make it to March 20th, then after that I'll minimize the amount of daily tasks I'm doing (mainly just talking to villagers and NPCs at that point), since my goal is to more or less 100% the game but I'll have done most of what I can at that point. Obviously any future updates could change that, though.
yes. it's so fun. i got burnout and had to take a break for a month or two but i'm back to daily play once again.

it's that animal crossing charm. it's just so easy to keep coming back to!
I still play but there were looong breaks in there. I just keep cleaning up my island and decorating it for new seasons and then losing interest again.
I try to play for at least 15 minutes everyday, and sometimes I will binge when I'm feeling creative. I do skip days sometimes when I'm busy with school, though.
I play every day.

I employed a different strategy then I did with NL. I'm less strict about what I need to get done... if it doesn't get done, then it's ok! I care less about what villagers I get, if I obtain/complete a series of furniture, DIY recipes, etc.

It's worked for me and kept the game fun.
I rarely miss a day, unless I’m super busy, which lets be honest in lockdown I’ve had a lot of spare time on my hands. 🙈 I just love this game and I always have something to do!