AC Masters

Very much so. Continue talking about your group only and you'll be fine. T_T
If i can...back to my group... i have 12 people and i have enough leaders to split up and have the group meetings at different towns.
This is called the internet. Pixelized data streaming through millions of miles of wire wasn't really anything you couldn't leap over. Ignore the off-topic posts. <_<

To be on topic, I'd like to ask what it is exactly that you plan to do with this group? Is it just random town gatherings?
no its actually a group that i thought people could hang out and help eachother and on our meetings before we start the meetings we can watch kk slider play
commando1898 said:
no its actually a group that i thought people could hang out and help eachother and on our meetings before we start the meetings we can watch kk slider play
So basically it's like I said it was when this whole debate started, just another group that meets over wifi and talks about stuff.
so does it affect your play time at all no so dont worry about it and let people enjoy themselves thats what the games about .
no not really we are going to do more like talk on TBT and have weekly threads or something like that so people who came into or didnt come to the meetings they can just read from here
I strongly agree with commando1898. I love this idea of a new group. I was one of the first few people who posted on this topic.