AC Masters

Tidus said:
VantagE said:
Bacon Boy said:
VantagE said:
commando1898 said:
Jason, you just got reported to stormcommander :) i suggest you stop posting on this and let us members and leaders of the group continue to talk about our group
Pretty sure Jason pegged you on that last post... he hadn't post for a while and you reported him... nice... and yeah you pretty much were spamming...

You are now starting to get on my bad side...^___________________________^
HAHA I told you I am mysterious... I don't think anyone on here has seen my mad/ticked... probably a good thing. But I normally avoid talking to people on here that already irritate me... thus I don't get mad xD
hey guys...
what is the worst he can do, we are all MILES UPON MILES away from each other...
the worst he can do is type IN ALL CAPS, and type obcenities at us, and we dont even have to read that stuff...
oh and Jas0n...
very funny take everything perverted why doncha, it was in his sig,
oh and VantagE...
you said we have no lives, you have been playin the same internet game for 6 years...
nuff said
What was perverted about what I said? LMAO.

You epic failness makes me lol.
Tidus said:
VantagE said:
Bacon Boy said:
VantagE said:
commando1898 said:
Jason, you just got reported to stormcommander :) i suggest you stop posting on this and let us members and leaders of the group continue to talk about our group
Pretty sure Jason pegged you on that last post... he hadn't post for a while and you reported him... nice... and yeah you pretty much were spamming...

You are now starting to get on my bad side...^___________________________^
HAHA I told you I am mysterious... I don't think anyone on here has seen my mad/ticked... probably a good thing. But I normally avoid talking to people on here that already irritate me... thus I don't get mad xD
hey guys...
what is the worst he can do, we are all MILES UPON MILES away from each other...
the worst he can do is type IN ALL CAPS, and type obcenities at us, and we dont even have to read that stuff...
oh and Jas0n...
very funny take everything perverted why doncha, it was in his sig,
oh and VantagE...
you said we have no lives, you have been playin the same internet game for 6 years...
nuff said
LMAO just because I have been playing the same one does NOT mean I play it 24/7!! Actually I hardly play it all! And I am pretty sure 90% of people on this forum play video games almost ALL day... And I was not pointing a finger at you so you just need to chill. What you said just made you look very childish.

Edit: Also you are right in that I can't do anything. Which makes it OBVIOUS that I was JOKING!...
sorry VantagE...
i didn't mean to tell you off...
im just frustrated with finals...
and your right just because you have been playin for 6 years, doesn't mean you play all the time
Tidus said:
sorry VantagE...
i didn't mean to tell you off...
im just frustrated with finals...
and your right just because you have been playin for 6 years, doesn't mean you play all the time
Hmm apology excepted... Speaking of finals... I am not worried about mine at all...its weird... Okay w/e I am done with this thread.
IMPORTANT ACMASTERS ANNOUNCEMENT: We are done having people join our group for a while. We will accept more people later maybe if some of our members or leaders dont respond. Thanks everyone who joined and please if you post on this thread make it group related to this and not off topic. We will also exchange friend codes this week: Wednesday-Saturday.
Jas0n said:
I love how nobody's listening to Commando xD
LOL ture but I don't need to because i'm not in the group

lol jas0n I also love it how nobody spells your username right >_< jas0n with a [0]
#gsw1996 said:
Jas0n said:
I love how nobody's listening to Commando xD
LOL ture but I don't need to because i'm not in the group

lol jas0n I also love it how nobody spells your username right >_< jas0n with a [0]
I don't mind people calling me Jason, Infact I prefer it. I just don't like people calling me JasOn, it looks odd o_O