Accomplishments Thread!

Got an orange cosmos, an orange pansy, a black rose and a purple tulip today. I renovated some of my mules' rooms.
Neko Yuki Pyrozanryu said:
Marlon88 said:
caught every fish
caught every bug
got 21,3400 bells
Got all Current DLC
Got Jacobs Ladder
Got Nookingtons
Got Fountain
Got Windmill
Met Gulliver
Shot Down Pete
Finished My Town Theme
Layed Down Trees In a Path
Made A Lost Woods
Got All Hybrids
Got A Triforce
Got Ashwee to move in to my town
Got Alot Of AC Friends
Got All Gracie sets except for 1
Seen All Emotions
Got A Perfect Haircut
Annnnnd Many More
Problems with what you've put:

1. You cant shoot down Pete.
2. Ashwee couldnt of moved into your town since theres no Immigration feature
3. 'Seeing all Emotions' isnt REALLY an achievement.
4. Hacks dont count as Achievements :]
your new right?
1. yes you can
2. idk who the heck she is so im not messing w/ that
3. ppl have their own achievements you _____ ! eating a cookie could be one too you know? ANYTHING can be one.
4. what makes you think that? because he got more stuff and is better than you?

hope this helped
A new pink cosmos and Nookway's closed for renovation made my day. Plus, I began to build my own racetrack. It will be a madness once it's finished and begin a race!
.::PurpleLife::. said:
Neko Yuki Pyrozanryu said:
Marlon88 said:
caught every fish
caught every bug
got 21,3400 bells
Got all Current DLC
Got Jacobs Ladder
Got Nookingtons
Got Fountain
Got Windmill
Met Gulliver
Shot Down Pete
Finished My Town Theme
Layed Down Trees In a Path
Made A Lost Woods
Got All Hybrids
Got A Triforce
Got Ashwee to move in to my town
Got Alot Of AC Friends
Got All Gracie sets except for 1
Seen All Emotions
Got A Perfect Haircut
Annnnnd Many More
Problems with what you've put:

1. You cant shoot down Pete.
2. Ashwee couldnt of moved into your town since theres no Immigration feature
3. 'Seeing all Emotions' isnt REALLY an achievement.
4. Hacks dont count as Achievements :]
your new right?
1. yes you can
2. idk who the heck she is so im not messing w/ that
3. ppl have their own achievements you _____ ! eating a cookie could be one too you know? ANYTHING can be one.
4. what makes you think that? because he got more stuff and is better than you?

hope this helped
1. Not in City Folk.
2. Still City Folk, so no immigration.
3. Agree.
4. You can get whatever you want and you don't have to do a squat.
Got an orange rose and a black tulip today (that makes a change from getting white carnations all the time...). Got a few DLC in the mail (you know who you are, hehe). Can't help but think that was the mail that was supposed to come like, a week ago, though I doubt it was. T_T

I also fixed a few holes in my path and most of the coconut trees survived apart from 2 of them... :unsure:

Edit: Btw, I got a preview of JC's racetrack but it was only in it's early stages at the time...can't wait, hehe.
More hybrids, mostly orange: 2 pansies, a rose and a cosmos. And a purple pansy.

It's raining in my town today, so no watering for me.
Ehingen Guy said:
More hybrids, mostly orange: 2 pansies, a rose and a cosmos. And a purple pansy.

It's raining in my town today, so no watering for me.
So you don't have to water when it's raining? All the watering for nothing...
Finally, my Nookington's re-opened, as well finishing my racetrack, yet to be tested properly.

Also, I got a blue pansies and a pink tulips.
Finished finally pathing my town, very boring job.

Bought a legit painting from Redd.

Set up a bunch of trees by my path which are growing and should be up in 3 days.
Weird. I felt that this thread is dead. Now, I just made it more alive!

Yesterday, I got an orange cosmos, a purple rose and another blue pansies. And Al, the green-faced ape moved to my town. I wonder how Fire_Fist will react against him though, hehe!

Today, I got another orange cosmos and a pink rose.
Yesterday I got an orange pansy and learned a Master Frillard exclusive emote: Agreement.

Today I found a new pink carnation, blue pansy and black tulip! Also, a kitten has appeared in my town...the next time I post, I'll say what I got...hehe. ^_^
Caution: Today's hybrid flowers can burn your eyes if watched for too long while!

I got an orange pansies and orange cosmos. That's orange-tastic!
Oh, and I catalogged Egg TV, the newest EU/UK's DLC right now.
To add to my accomplishments, I assisted in reuniting Katie and Kaitlin. Wonder what I'll get tomorrow...
I got 2 orange pansies, an orange rose, a black rose and a pink tulip today.
Fire_Fist said:
Just a white carnation today. I also got a Music Box from the cats. :)
You got one too? Join the club! (Aaron and I both have it) :3

Mine? I paid off my Mule (Anton) 's mortgage! :D