Bell Tree Forum's Resident Hybrid Addict
I am trying for purple windflowers, so I bred two (potentially hybrid) red windflowers from a blue x red. The resulting red windflowers just spawned a blue windflower today. Does anyone know if that means those two reds have the correct genetics to eventually produce a purple?
Edit: pansies too, I suppose. I had two red pansies from a blue x red pairing and they also produced a blue pansie this morning. Does that mean they will eventually make a purple?
@Khaelis ?
Hey, sorry for the late reply. Just woke up.
So, for two red hybrid windflowers, half of the blue windflowers will be hybrid blues which have the same genetics as the ones you get from a hybrid flower island so they'll have better odds at a purple. However, the other half of them will just be typical blue windflowers which were spawned from two seed bag white windflowers.
The same as above also applies to pansies.
Trying to find info about discovering if a blue pansy is special or not by breeding it with a seed yellow, but now I can't find the info and desired result... help!
You can tell if a blue pansy is 'special/hybrid' if it spawns an orange pansy 50% of the time, as regular blue pansies will only yield yellow pansies when testing with a yellow pansy from a seed bag.