ACNH Manga


Jan 11, 2016
Gift Box
Sweet Heart Balloon
Yellow Heart Balloon
Glam Heart Balloon
The Bell Tree Fair 2024 Patch
Blue Balloon
Flower Glow Wand
Blue Crescent Moon
Green Crescent Moon
Enchanted Butterfly Glow Wand

releasing in English on September 21st this year!


Will you be reading? I personally love anything like this so will definitely be getting a copy c: I loved the animal crossing film that premiered years ago and loved seeing the game from a different perspective
This is so exciting! I'm definitely going to try to pick this up when it's released in the fall.

Also I'm lowkey obsessed with Blathers actually being let out of the museum for once in this pic. More of this!!!
Will you be reading? I personally love anything like this so will definitely be getting a copy c: I loved the animal crossing film that premiered years ago and loved seeing the game from a different perspective
I would base your expectations more off the manga from NL and less off the movie. It's been forever since I watched it, but I remember the movie as being wholesome and Ghibli-esque, while NL's manga is... weird, sometimes, it seems. I found an old thread with some images from it, but my favorite is this:

I would base your expectations more off the manga from NL and less off the movie. It's been forever since I watched it, but I remember the movie as being wholesome and Ghibli-esque, while NL's manga is... weird, sometimes, it seems. I found an old thread with some images from it, but my favorite is this:

Oh yes don’t worry my expectations aren’t up to the standards of the movie hehe. I was just using that as an example. I love seeing anything AC related from outside of the box!

I never knew there was a NL manga, is there an English version of this?
This is so adorable and looks like it’ll be interesting even if it does resemble a drug trip.💀 For me, part of Animal Crossing’s charm is how silly it can be sometimes, so I hope the manga has some cute little moments. The art looks adorable as well!
This is so cute! I like the way that the characters and the villagers from Animal Crossing were designed on the front cover for the manga. The manga looks like it's going to be very entertaining to read!
i wonder what it'll be about? i haven't seen the movie so i'm not sure how well animal crossing translates to a medium other than video games, but it looks interesting!
i- i don’t even know what to say about the nl manga 😭 LMAO. didn’t know that ac manga existed but the nh one looks super cute! i’ll definitely be checking it out. :>
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Oha, it comes out on my birthday, that's nice. I loved the NL manga, mainly because of it's bizarre humor and the art style. If the NH manga is similar to the NL one, I definitely gonna get it. The cover so far looks good, I like Dom's face here.
For some reason its funny to me how they used the box art but changed the two characters from it lol
I hope we can buy them in Japanese. I've started learning Japanese last year and I'd love to have them in their original language...
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I saw this on Twitter yday! I usually don't read mangas but if they release them in English I might check it out!
I hope we can buy them in Japanese. I've started learning Japanese last year and I'd love to have them in their original language...

I recently started learning Japanese too! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و and I managed to get a copy! In fact there are 2 mangas in Japanese out already (from what I saw). I’ve included some pictures below if anyone would like to see.

I’ll try not to give too much away to keep it a surprise for you guys :>
but if you’d like some more sneak peaks, I’d be happy to show c:



where did I get these from? Amazon jp babbyyyyy 😎 shipping was expensive (£10+) but I was mainly buying language books and it was much cheaper for me to get it there instead amazon uk or other typical book sites that ship to the UK. So yeah, thought I’d pick these up too :)

shipping was pricey but it came in 3 days so totally worth it! ヘ(^_^ヘ)

i cant actually understand what it says hahaha but i love the art