what?! i was completely out of the blue on this, i had no idea! such a smart move on their part, this is adorable, the art style fits the animal crossing theme so much, and im a huge manga reader like many others here so ill definitely be reading this.
I love collecting Nintendo stuff, as well as trippy stuff. This looks like it could be a pretty nice little addition. I'm glad they are releasing in English. I wish I spoke other languages, but I sadly don't. I'm also a dub person with anime and I am a little ashamed to admit it lol. This is 4 days before my birthday so might need to treat myself if I can.
I recently started learning Japanese too! (๑˃̵ᴗ˂̵)و and I managed to get a copy! In fact there are 2 mangas in Japanese out already (from what I saw). I’ve included some pictures below if anyone would like to see.
I’ll try not to give too much away to keep it a surprise for you guys :>
but if you’d like some more sneak peaks, I’d be happy to show c:
where did I get these from? Amazon jp babbyyyyy shipping was expensive (£10+) but I was mainly buying language books and it was much cheaper for me to get it there instead amazon uk or other typical book sites that ship to the UK. So yeah, thought I’d pick these up too
shipping was pricey but it came in 3 days so totally worth it! ヘ(^_^ヘ)
i cant actually understand what it says hahaha but i love the art
I bought them on Amazon JP as well. They're great! I can't wait to "read" the next issues (I don't understand most of the text either to be honest. Not yet... But someday I will!!).
I'm not too much of a fan of the style on the cover. There's something off with the lines and colouring.
But that's just the cover. It probably will look better in black and white. If it looks anything like the New Leaf manga, I'm down!