ACNH Pet Peeves and Petty Complaints Thread

the next time that i pluck a flower while trying to pick up a nearby item, i am going to go feral.

Y e s. I’ve started digging up flowers with a shovel before moving around furniture in the nearby area sdkdkjdk I know that the flowers will grow back
But seeing the flowerless stem just reminds me of my failure 😔😔😔
i could literally write a novel about how many times i’ve ended up with a plucked flower while just trying to pick up a nearby item. it’s such a small inconvenience but i still hate it. 🤣

AHHH. You just brought back memories from when I first started the game. I was so used to being able to pick up the flowers with Y in New Leaf that I kept accidentally plucking them when I wanted to pick them up in this game. It do admit it is a bit annoying having to take out my shovel just to pick up the flowers. I always also feel like I'm doing something wrong when I do it, because I'm so used to the shovel destroying the flowers in the other games, haha.
I don't like all the shells washing up at my beaches everyday >:[

I fixed the spawning of branches, stones and fossils, but I wish you could also fix the spawning of those stupid shells

I like my island clean lol
I can’t remember which villager personality it is but there’s dialogue where they basically say that Isabelle developed the island. Ummmm what? Last time I checked Nook and his nephews were here first. She didn’t show up until later. And what does she do exactly?? What is her job title? I’m the one who paid for these bridges and inclines. I’ve never seen her spend a bell on this island or plant a flower. You could remove her from the game and it would make no difference.
Oh my gosh yes! I saw this dialogue the other day, and I was like no???? The main player gathers the wood, iron, and stone, sets out all of the plots for everything, earns bells by collecting fruits and shells, donates multiple fish/bugs/sea creatures, pays for every house, bridge, incline, and store, decorates the island, and puts hours of work into everything... and you're still saying that Isabelle is the foundation of [Insert Town Name]? Nuh-uh, no thanks. Isabelle only maintains the announcements, flag/town tune, and town evaluations. Even Tom Nook does more than Isabelle! Setting up construction of bridges/inclines, houses, expanding your house, stores, and letting you know what to do next! I think it'd be fair to say that everyone contributes, but Isabelle of all people for the most contributions???
That flowers and DIYs cannot be put in storage!

That! THAT!

i've had to finally dump my extra diys outside, next to my house....
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The fact that some furniture items like a Double Door Fridge or a Freezer is considered "changing clothes" really is an Animal Crossing logic.
I mean how does that make any sense?

i know :unsure:

they have food in the freezer & little boxes of food in the fridge... so that should give them a hint as to what to input next 🥴

the fish cooler too... it's used to store fish :rolleyes:
the bug cage too...
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I wish you could read villagers' pictures in dream addresses. I was going to have a cleverly placed one for visitors but that idea is done now. :/
oml that’s exactly what i was thinking. in real life, we don’t just eat fruit and eggs right? although one could argue that most of us play AC to escape real life. still, snacks would be nice 🍪

Like, where are our villagers getting those tasty-looking donuts and sandwiches they're always eating? At least give us access to those! 😆
I don't like all the shells washing up at my beaches everyday >:[

I fixed the spawning of branches, stones and fossils, but I wish you could also fix the spawning of those stupid shells

I like my island clean lol
Same, they look such a mess sometimes.
How do you stop branches, stones and fossils spawning? :unsure: I'd also like to do this.
Same, they look such a mess sometimes.
How do you stop branches, stones and fossils spawning? :unsure: I'd also like to do this.
I have hidden like 15 individual branches, 5 individual stones, and individual 6 fossils behind cliffs and buildings (where you can't see them). The game recognises that they're on the island and wont spawn any more :)
Something else that has always been another pet peeve is the backpacks. I mean your character wears them but its just there just to show off. Its funny. I remember when this game came out people speculated that the backpacks and purses would be used to have extra pocket storage, turns out it didn't come true. The Backpacks and purses had potential to be useful but its just there and I barely see anyone use them.
Really? I wear bags everyday and everyone I play with does too :p theyre so cute

I do agree it would've been nice to have the extra extra storage! But we already got 40 slots so I'm happy anyway
Well for me since I know you always have to have tools with you that takes up your pocket space, and considering that your tools constantly keep breaking you always need to have extra ones on you just in case which takes up more space. Like I was cleaning up my flowers and I realize how full my pockets get when digging out flowers.

This would not bother me so much if you can have your tools inside your backpack and then you would still have 40 slots in your pocket space just to have room to dig out all the flowers. Well its nice to know that some people still wear backpacks I still think it would be better if it would count as pocket storage.