13. Rudy
Average Score:
@Florence + The Machine - 20th
@Asarena - 20th
@misstayleigh - 2nd
@Verecund - 4th
@WaileaNoRei - 10th
@Emmsey - 14th
@Pintuition - 17th
Public - 7th (tie)
I never really noticed how cute Rudy is until recently. For some reason, he always flew under the radar for me. However, I saw him on a mystery island and he really appealed to me. He’s definitely one of my favorite Jock villager designs. I think I really like his little mouth. His eyes are also really cute, but they also have a unique flavor to them. For some reason, the orange overlay behind the black eyes really works. I’m actually really surprised that Rudy made it this high. It seems that a couple really high placements brought Rudy to this spot. Overall, I’m content with Rudy’s placement and I wouldn’t mind inviting him to my ACNH island.
Ranker/Public Write-Ups
@Asarena - He's cute enough I guess, but the competition is pretty stiff when it comes to cats and unfortunately there are several cats that I like a lot more than Rudy.Average Score:
@Florence + The Machine - 20th
@Asarena - 20th
@misstayleigh - 2nd
@Verecund - 4th
@WaileaNoRei - 10th
@Emmsey - 14th
@Pintuition - 17th
Public - 7th (tie)
I never really noticed how cute Rudy is until recently. For some reason, he always flew under the radar for me. However, I saw him on a mystery island and he really appealed to me. He’s definitely one of my favorite Jock villager designs. I think I really like his little mouth. His eyes are also really cute, but they also have a unique flavor to them. For some reason, the orange overlay behind the black eyes really works. I’m actually really surprised that Rudy made it this high. It seems that a couple really high placements brought Rudy to this spot. Overall, I’m content with Rudy’s placement and I wouldn’t mind inviting him to my ACNH island.
Ranker/Public Write-Ups
@misstayleigh - My favorite jock next to Tybalt!!!! I love Rudy!!! He’s got the cutest little Rudolph-esque nose and is Not annoying like a lot of the other jocks lol. He’s very excitable and is just so darn precious. On my first reset of my island I truly reset for about two weeks straight trying to get this little turkey as one of my starters. Once I finally did it, I realized that meant he would forever have his freaking starter house… so I reset again. Rudy is a PRIME villager and seasonally appropriate for the upcoming holidays!
@Verecund - Another one I fell in love with in NL; he was a starter in my third NL town and one of the only villagers there I got really attached to. But he's really cute and said some really sweet stuff to me when I had him, and he became another of my favourites. Alongside Merry, Eloise, and Canberra, he's also one of my only four 'judge favourites' that have survived to the end, so I feel a sense of loyalty to those four in this game.