Anytime Vanessa! <3 Hope you find the one you are looking for!! cxAh ok that's not the date I'm looking for, thanks for checking though! <3
Sending it shortly bae <3I'll take the 06-19-2016 08:08 AM one!
and any msg would be fine with me <3 <3
thank you ~
I've seen the dates of the tasty cake collectibles. Don't think the dates would work for me at the moment. Sorry to bother you.
You sure can! <3
You definitely can! cx
I'll go ahead and display them on my sidebar for you! :3 I have a ton haha donated haha!
HI BAE <3 YOU SURE CAN <3 Let me know which date you want or if you don't mind whichever! c:
06-19-2016 10:57 AM
06-19-2016 08:08 AM
06-19-2016 08:08 AM
You definitely can! cx Sending the precious candy your way!
The date is 05-28-2018 02:25 PM <3
You definitely can! <3 I'll send it your way now!~
You sure can!! <3 Enjoy! cx
You sure can! <3
You definitely can! cx
np at all <3Yay!! thanks Miharu!!
Np at all! <3 Enjoy!! cx They look great in your line up! I love how the cakes are on the outer sides and the flowers on the inside!!Thanks so much, Miharu!
Also, would like to thank all the generous people that donated their extra collectibles for adoption!
jldsfjds thanks for the support bae <3 <3aww thanks Miharu for the great work on the thread! <3
love ya girl
I'm not too sure, but I'm about to head off to school in a bit so I'll leave them on display for you to find out! c:Lol you've probably been asked this, but do you have any 2018 tasty cake collectibles? ; v; (it's so funny I have 13 tasty cake collectibles and only one of them is dated in 2018 djksjf)
I can always trade you for one of my own tasty cakes! c:
Daww thank you so much!! >/v//<This is such a cute shop, Miharu! I may have some to donate, too. c: I'll check later tonight!!
I'm not too sure, but I'll leave them on display for you to look through while I head to class c:do you have two winter mittens dated before 12-25-2018 and after 10-31-2017? idk if this guy posted here or not, but i wanted to help him out in maybe finding two dates hes after. <3
I'm not too sure, but I'll leave them on display for you to look through while I head to class c:
oooh let me look! thank you!
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sadly you're like me D: most of ours are all 2015s
thank you so much for letting me check <3
I sure do! Would you like to adopt the pink rose? <3 Just got home from class c:Miharu, do you still have the pink hybrid rose?
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quick question: If I decide to give back a collectible, can I do that (just general question)..
sounds good!! Sending you a cake now <3 Enjoy! cxHey Miharu, thanks for the display! No 2018 cakes in sight, but I think the december 2017 ones work for me! c: (it's like the third and fourth ones in your inventory, though I only need one) ^^