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Zombie said:
AndyB said:
Zombie said:
I really don't believe in Aliens one bit. I mean, if something else existed, we'd have much more information on them, wouldn't we?
No, not particularly. With it all being so big, something... somewhere, along any stage of evolution etc. Will be out there.
I guess. I just don't like the idea personally so I tend to just not accept it as a possibility.
not liking something doesn't necessarily make it go away now, does it? :p

@ numner, well aren't you hilarious?
I think they're somewhere out there. Now whether or not they're little green munchkins with enlarged craniums is a mystery to me.
http://www.youtube.com/v/JbUGsbZWitw&autoplay=1Honestly, I'm indifferent. I think they are real, but then half of me doesn't think so...
yes, i believe in alien life forms, maybe not intelligent though. you'd have to be pretty naive to not believe in extra terrestrial life. the universe is so huge, we cant even comprehend it.
As a child I was scared of ET, now when I watch it I cant stop laughing at his voice.
Peekab00m said:
As a child I was scared of ET, now when I watch it I cant stop laughing at his voice.
Same here. When I moved to Texas back in '99 when I was 3 or something, my cousin pointed at a star in the sky and said "Look! It's ET's ship! He's coming for you. He's gonna get you." Didn't sleep.
Mr. Phoenix said:
Peekab00m said:
As a child I was scared of ET, now when I watch it I cant stop laughing at his voice.
Same here. When I moved to Texas back in '99 when I was 3 or something, my cousin pointed at a star in the sky and said "Look! It's ET's ship! He's coming for you. He's gonna get you." Didn't sleep.
I would of shat bricks.

I used to jump from my bed when I got up, thinking he'd be under there.
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