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Kinda, I'm pretty sure there are some single celled organisms.
Aliens that have flying saucers and what not, no.
They must be real! I mean, there so much space in space!
If people can believe in God then people can believe in Aliens!
<small><small><small><small>(The Doctor must be real, I mean who would suddenly come up with a TV show about an Alien who travels through time and space in a police box?!)
Real, but not little green men. I feel there may be some VERY simple life (like bacteria) but not complex. It's a big universe, so I feel there must be something.
It's almost impossible for them not to exist. The vastness of space makes the odds that our planet was the only one able to develop life very slim.
Undecided. For all I know, we could be aliens to another race. I believe saying there aren't aliens altogether, meaning other forms of life, would be...ignorant?
As Psycho said in the second post, space is just too big for something else not to exist.

But hey, as they say... The truth is out therehttp://www.youtube.com/v/JDZBgHBHQT8&autoplay=1
I really don't believe in Aliens one bit. I mean, if something else existed, we'd have much more information on them, wouldn't we?
Zombie said:
I really don't believe in Aliens one bit. I mean, if something else existed, we'd have much more information on them, wouldn't we?
Not really. That's not to say life isn't thousands of light years away from Earth. We just haven't developed the technology to reach/receive signals, or at least not swiftly enough. And even then it could, "life" could just be simple microorganisms.
Zombie said:
I really don't believe in Aliens one bit. I mean, if something else existed, we'd have much more information on them, wouldn't we?
No, not particularly. With it all being so big, something... somewhere, along any stage of evolution etc. Will be out there.
AndyB said:
Zombie said:
I really don't believe in Aliens one bit. I mean, if something else existed, we'd have much more information on them, wouldn't we?
No, not particularly. With it all being so big, something... somewhere, along any stage of evolution etc. Will be out there.
I guess. I just don't like the idea personally so I tend to just not accept it as a possibility.
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