AI effecting frame of mind.


Feb 28, 2020
Sweetheart Easter Egg
Spring Bloom Easter Egg
Toy Duck Plush
Candy Easter Egg
AI creations that are made to look like photographs are getting more numerous. Sometimes they are hard to tell if the "photo" is real or not.
There is also a rise in AI footage and photos of people. The images of the people are completely made up, they do not exist. They look like real people.
With these two particular things, and how social media already effect people's perspective on others' lives and self image, I wonder how AI is going to effect our perspective on the world around us and even ourselves.
Photos that are immensely perfect but are not real. They could be sceneries, or a simple arrangement of flowers for a magazine and the flowers not being the marketed product. I would hope AI wouldn't show up in nature books and articles. Real photos should be part of documenting and educating.
The use of AI photos for ads. This could be displaying unattainable perfection of an environment or even of a structure or detail of an item. Or the big one, beauty ads.
Maybe it doesn't matter because we have had Photoshop/editing, but I feel like there could be more danger with complete fabrication and not just alteration. What do you think?
Could we also see celebrities or important people in the future that don't actually exist?
Could we disappointed with the reality of what something in real life looks like compared to what has been shown to us in a made up AI photo?
AI images are just another catalyst towards brainrot the death of the internet. I agree that while bad, photo manipulation is better. It at least has some human thought put into it. AI is just garbled up stolen slop and I feel like even if it gets almost insistinguishable from real photos, something will feel subconsciously off. It’s not good for the mind or soul. With AI celebrities I feel like most technologically literate people are highly repulsed by it, but perhaps if it gets more convincing some of us younger people might even be as gullible as a stereotypical boomer facebook user. Whatever happens, it’s just not gonna be good.
AI gen is just generating more consumerism in a society with a glut of consumerism, leaving a lot of people sidestepping actual creation or calling it a waste of time (or otherwise devaluing it). It is uncreative, it offers no problem solving, even “prompting” falls upon the whims of the technology and regardless it will never be art.

When you think about it, that isn’t that different from the crowd who likes saying philosophy is a waste of time. Ah yes, actual problem solving and its lived experiences, and work to try and articulate history and life are wastes of time.

AI gen is more caring about the destination than the journey from society, more convenience when so much has already been eroded by convenience and illusions of it, garbage. I’m a pretty consistent hater of AI on this site, I’ve said forever it’s a Pandora’s Box, I would bet it’s already impacting youth more than we see.

There are tiny areas it could do good but the oligarchy would never allow that progressive step when the opportunity to cut thousands of jobs and steal from creative workers is right there. Anyone who devalues creative work should go one week or one month without any creative ventures from themselves, nor devouring any creative ventures by others.

I know someone who uses it and just views it as another toy, he enjoys it, I cannot ignore the ethics questions and surprise surprise- he doesn’t develop creative skills.

This sort of stuff is where my misanthropy comes from :) and to me AI gen is another reminder that society sucks.
The other day I saw one of those TikToks where the lady has a product in the background and she’s hovering over the photo with green screen and talking about its benefits and whatnot – she wasn’t real! Didn’t even realise until I checked the comments.

The only way I could really tell (besides hyper-analysing her movements and voice) was by checking out other videos on the same account, which all featured the same woman in the same exact lighting and same exact clothes. But it’s madness!
The other day I saw one of those TikToks where the lady has a product in the background and she’s hovering over the photo with green screen and talking about its benefits and whatnot – she wasn’t real! Didn’t even realise until I checked the comments.

The only way I could really tell (besides hyper-analysing her movements and voice) was by checking out other videos on the same account, which all featured the same woman in the same exact lighting and same exact clothes. But it’s madness!
You just made me think of something that sounds like a dystopian sci-fi book. What if, AI was used to rule a nation with a leader that wasn't even real but the people of the nation didn't know the leader wasn't a real person.
The leader would be on TV all the time, but what if the gap between the common man and ruling families was so large that the common man not seeing the leader in person from a distance ever was a common thing and not even questioned. But I guess holograms could be insane with AI..
Dead internet theory! I fully believe it's currently happening. There's so much AI posts and videos online now that it's getting to the point where even I struggle to tell if it's real or not and that's sad. Eventually the internet will probably be 80% AI generated posts. That's my guess.
Dead internet theory! I fully believe it's currently happening. There's so much AI posts and videos online now that it's getting to the point where even I struggle to tell if it's real or not and that's sad. Eventually the internet will probably be 80% AI generated posts. That's my guess.
I do seriously wonder how many comments on social media are simply bots. So many comments parrot each other if the post or video has revenue, but at the same time there are a lot of people online, and it isn't too far fetched if 2000 people think something is delicious or some famous person is sexy.
I do seriously wonder how many comments on social media are simply bots. So many comments parrot each other if the post or video has revenue, but at the same time there are a lot of people online, and it isn't too far fetched if 2000 people think something is delicious or some famous person is sexy.
That's the confusing part. We all seem to be glued to our phones, as the phrase puts it, but yet a lot of posts/comments are bots? So does that mean we're all just consuming without commenting? Mindless scrolling? Facebook is particularly bad where you'll see an obviously AI picture and comments all repeating each other (typically single emojis). Like... where are the actual people at? It's so bizarre.
It’s creepy. Just scrolling through Instagram, you can find pics that were “historical”, yet actually AI-generated. I mean, the pics do look convincing…but something about the people’s faces make it look modern, not very 1950s or whatever era it’s supposed to be. I know AI is getting better, but I still spot the stray sixth finger sometimes.

There’s also a video on YouTube (obviously AI) of Barron Trump singing on America’s Got Talent and all the comments are like “Omg I had no idea he could sing!” 🙄 Like, if he was on AGT, you think we would have known.
You just made me think of something that sounds like a dystopian sci-fi book. What if, AI was used to rule a nation with a leader that wasn't even real but the people of the nation didn't know the leader wasn't a real person.
The leader would be on TV all the time, but what if the gap between the common man and ruling families was so large that the common man not seeing the leader in person from a distance ever was a common thing and not even questioned. But I guess holograms could be insane with AI..
Reminds me of the Wizard from Wizard of Oz! All those smoke and mirrors just to keep people under the thumb – not far from how AI might be used!
I am deeply concerned by what impacts AI deepfake technology can and most likely will have on our world moving forward. People think it's fun to have famous people, like presidents', voices used in funny videos where they're arguing about video games, or doing covers of songs. Admittedly, that stuff is fun, but I don't believe that fun is worth the immensely high risk that comes with everyone and their grandmother having the means available to create highly realistic images or videos and be able to duplicate people's voices. Consider the dire implications those two things have. As technology rapidly improves, people will be unable to fully trust their own eyes and ears because fake stuff will be everywhere. People can be blackmailed or implicated in events that don't even need to really occur. Reputations ruined, populaces swayed.

It's a Pandora's Box that should have been regulated by now and I fear it may be too late now to do so at this point. I can only hope that someday there might be legislation around this stuff, though even then, that only covers one country. It would take worldwide agreements to really contain this stuff, and even that might not suffice.
AI content and bots are slowly taking over the internet. They’re becoming less obvious, but it’s clear human content and users are becoming a minority online.

In its current state, you can still tell images are AI as soon as you zoom in and know what to look for. AI photographs still struggles with lettering, teeth, and patterns in things like tiles. AI art tends to lack symmetry. People in AI videos still have a “sheen” to them that gives them away and camera movements are still jittery. They also struggle with recreating proper physics.

AI chatbots currently have poor memory, lack proper logic, and are glorified “yes-men.” Any “opinion” they share are generic. Anyone who interacts with those bots long enough will know something is off about them.

And yet, the technology is constantly improving. The videos and images generated now are much more realistic than what was made even a year ago. I fear in a decade most people won’t be able to tell the difference between what’s real and what’s AI online.

Online game stores are already being overrun with AI generated shovelware and Amazon is starting to have AI generated books being sold as if they were written by real people.

It’s entirely possible a lot of people will quit the internet because they seek connections with real people. Anonymity online may vanish due to some sites and apps requiring ID verification to prevent bots from joining. I see nothing good coming from any of this.
All this AI girlfriend stuff is creepy, too. Not to mention the deepfake nudes and certain…videos. This combined with Trump’s win and all the Gen Z alpha bro podcast crap makes me wary of men, and misogyny seems to be ramping up.

Obviously, there ARE good men out there— I know some, but gross tech stuff against women worries me. It’s like some sexist dudes are finding new ways to violate our bodies.
AI in general is honestly very unsettling to me, to say the least. I have trouble at times even telling which art pieces are AI and which are not, which is why I appreciate when people on here and elsewhere make guides about that. I just don't see much good coming out of it in the long run, and as an above poster said, online anonymity vanishing would be a terrible thing and ID verification would be difficult at best to enforce.
All this AI girlfriend stuff is creepy, too. Not to mention the deepfake nudes and certain…videos. This combined with Trump’s win and all the Gen Z alpha bro podcast crap makes me wary of men, and misogyny seems to be ramping up.

Obviously, there ARE good men out there— I know some, but gross tech stuff against women worries me. It’s like some sexist dudes are finding new ways to violate our bodies.
There is actually AI boyfriend stuff getting popular too but I don't think it is talked about as much. But yeah AI will effect the dating world or friendships or intimate relationships for sure. Beyond unrealistic expectations, AI could be used to filter potential dates on dating sites. Ai could be used to create echo chambers so a person could isolate themselves more than they already can online.