The cyan heart wand is calling my name Very Loudly. It's my favourite of the imposter wands
(though the purple flower wand is a big contender and is very special to me ), and it's been a dream to obtain one! I'm trying not to get my hopes up since I'm not confident in my ability to earn 192 throwback tickets, but I'll certainly give it my best shot! If I'm not able to earn enough tickets for the cyan wand, the OG heart wand is my second priority! I traded mine from the 2016 fair away and kick myself over it every day, so I'd love to have one again. If I don't earn enough tickets for either, I... will cross that bridge when I get to it LOL
With the regular tickets, I'm more interested in the physical prizes, so the only collectible I'm certain I'm getting is the fair patch. I'm hoping to earn 96 tickets before the 12th so I can try to get a snow bunny plush! I'd also love a mailbox prize pack and maybe a gradient balloon or 2 if I have the tickets for it. If I'm not able to get the snow bun plush, I'll
cry probably put most of my tickets towards the raffle and get a mailbox prize pack if I can.
I'm planning on putting all my confetti towards the gradient bunny balloons. I haven't let myself plan lineups in case RNG isn't kind to me, but my favourites are the glam, hot and rainbow balloons, so at least one of each would be really cool! :')
and preferably in the same order as my crescent moons so i can colour coordinate rainbow < hot < glam would be so sexy of RNGjesus