Flower-Loving Superstar
i have Diana ready and my gate is open for you!![]()
Thanks so much, once again! c:
i have Diana ready and my gate is open for you!![]()
I have Dizzy ready for you! My gates are open and he's the first one on the left (#6).
Mayor Name: xireu
Wanted Villager: fang
Favorite Game/Cartoon: pokemone !
Friend Code: 1907-8892-1271
Availability:whenever really but im almost always on during the day
Mayor name: Rand
Villager request: Phoebe
FC (if not in sidebar): 0619-9612-7471
Notes: I'm available the rest of tonight and early tomorrow! EDT!
sorry about the delay, i was unexpectedly busy. if you're still available, i can go ahead and have her ready tonight or tomorrow morning for you
Sorry for the late response, would you be ready to receive Fangs now? I can get him ready as soon as possible.
yes! i'm free now
I have him ready for you and my gates are open! He'll be the first one on the right (#7).
be there in a sec~ have to take care of something really quick
Mayor Name: Kay
Wanted Villager: Filbert
Favorite Game/Cartoon: Pokemon !
Friend Code: in sidebar !
Availability: I’m currently available as I type (10:30pm PDT) or tomorrow or Wednesday all day!
I'll get him ready for you as soon as I'm done with Beau!
Thank you so much for the trade!![]()
Just let me know when you're ready for Beau! I'll get him ready for you in the mean time.
I have him ready for you!
so sorry i fell asleep ; v; i can pick him up whenever you're ready !
Mayor Name:Aurelia
Wanted Villager: Marshal
Favorite Game/Cartoon: Stardew Valley
Friend Code: 5172-4695-6197
Availability: Whenever I have room (I currently don't)
Would you still like Beau? I can get him ready for you whenever you're ready today.
- - - Post Merge - - -
Let me know when you're ready for Marshal when you have room and I'll get him ready for you.