Head's up going into this, this is entirely stream of consciousness (at least in the early parts, not sure if I'll have time to edit this statement), organized when the site was loading
Again, I and others have mentioned this before, but I still find this mildly concerning
Also would like to note that the following stated that they were ok with Vanessa President: Jacob, Waffles, Toads (though this wasn't all that serious in his case
Personally found this attack on Punchy really awkward (#39). Punchy wasn't attacking Rune in the referenced post, but instead urging him to post (I remember that it felt that Rune was lurking for literally two hours at the time)
Anybody should recognize at this point that me and Toads are not teamed, and it is honestly highly doubtful that he is teamed with Ness. Why? Because he is effectively running on the campaign on being AGAINST us, and I think that his and Ness's emotional fight made it abundently clear that they are not on the same team in addition to this.
Kinda found this weird, as any town should recognize that there are very few (if any) situations in which should lie about who they voted for. And there really is a point about fussing over the votes because town has no incentive to lie. Mafia do if they seek to get an individual elected, which could allow us to isolate scum.
Noting this for later
Seems legit
Honestly, the more that I read through the thread, the more and more I townread Tina specifically out of anybody here. To quote Dad, that one post was "very townslippery" and her first post contained the first voicing of a lot of thoughts which I consider valid
Vanessa has a weirdly disproportionate amount of fluff right now, but can't access her past games so...
Personally, kinda sus of Rune and Jacob for (in my view) intentionally misinterpreting me and Punchy backing off of our original claims and not understanding our role as masons
Personally, found this weird, because Glow has been relatively inactive, and I honestly don't find her contributions all that significant. However, the suggestion is based off of out of date information. Still gonna slot Glow/Rune as a potential scum link. However, this weak sus is kinda awkward, as I don't view Toads/Glow as a compatible team as all of her content so far has been based off of sussing Toadsworthy
Would also note that Byngo is also kinda linked to Glow as well iirc
Alright, I honestly still have no idea who people are saying is blue, but I do have a reads list
Tina-Tina is the only townlean in which I have a great degree in confidence in
Byngo-kinda contradicts what I said earlier, but I do kinda feel that she's trying more than as scum in that one game I played with her
Dad-kinda liked his stuff
Amazon-purely provisional, as I personally haven't noted him buddying up or supporting any teammates, which is a key aspect of his scum meta
Deserve scrutiny(no order)
Glow-purely based of the fact that I think that certain people are giving her to much credit
Distinctly Scummy
Need to post more imo
Certain links that I want to look into more(off the top of my head)
Jacob/people who he wanted to be king
Who do you think is the right candidate and why?
Byngo, Locket, Vanessa, and maybe AmazonEvan I feel like are the most ideal candidates idk
Again, I and others have mentioned this before, but I still find this mildly concerning
Also would like to note that the following stated that they were ok with Vanessa President: Jacob, Waffles, Toads (though this wasn't all that serious in his case
Targeting newbies?
Personally found this attack on Punchy really awkward (#39). Punchy wasn't attacking Rune in the referenced post, but instead urging him to post (I remember that it felt that Rune was lurking for literally two hours at the time)
Who do you want to be President? Uh, myself. I'm definitely campaigning for presidency, I'm very level-headed and easy to talk to, attentive to TBT even when I'm at clinic/school and privy on people trying to bs me. If we won't even consider me, then not Dolby. Electing him last time didn't help anything... I would say Vanessa is loyal and just an all-around good person.
Anybody should recognize at this point that me and Toads are not teamed, and it is honestly highly doubtful that he is teamed with Ness. Why? Because he is effectively running on the campaign on being AGAINST us, and I think that his and Ness's emotional fight made it abundently clear that they are not on the same team in addition to this.
In an anonymous election, is there ANY situation (as town) in which you would lie about who you voted for? someone is going to lie about who they voted for, its going to happen, and were not going to catch them. Someone telling the truth is going to get accused of lying. Thus is world of politics, thus is the world of TBT mafia. I don't see the point of fussing a lot over the votes.
Kinda found this weird, as any town should recognize that there are very few (if any) situations in which should lie about who they voted for. And there really is a point about fussing over the votes because town has no incentive to lie. Mafia do if they seek to get an individual elected, which could allow us to isolate scum.
Again, don't like this. He has not given a legitimate reason for either of these. This ties in again to the platform of running on the basis of NOT being me or NessMy agenda is to be president and I don't trust you or Dolby... so what else but run myself, scared of some competition?
If it were up to me based on the extensive posters it would be Punchy. Pretty sure he's town.
Noting this for later
At this point, I'm honestly not concerned about Toad's reluctance to trust me, but his inability to apply any reasoning to it. Every single post that he's made up until this point he has stated a reluctance for me being King AND states that he does not trust me. Believing that I'm scum, he refuses to add any reasoning to it, because at this point he can't and is focused on gaining the Presidency for his own purposes. This isn't even a necessarily scummy thing to do, and I could honestly see town do this, but I still don't like that his campaign is essentially "I'm not those two losers"Instead you made a button for your sig and changed the catchphrase above your avatar. All you have said is that you would use the president/mayor power to push your own personal wants... thats not exactly who I want to have that power. And dolby is an awkward pick too rn. If anyone else shares this viewpoint with me, then I'm your candidate. If someone else wants to run with a more inclusive stance too, then thats cool... but right now I don't feel comfortable with either of you being elected
Basically makes a post agreeing with everyone else in the threadI'm caught up. I am liking Ness's posts, and Punchy is also striking me as town too. Punchy is trying to generate discussion and get leads going, though his "you'll see" post was a bit weird.
Toads seems a little off to me; he kinda dumbtelled about the president role and something about his writing style seems a bit stiff/distant to me, idk...it's always a bad idea to vest too much trust in toads![]()
Seems legit
Honestly, the more that I read through the thread, the more and more I townread Tina specifically out of anybody here. To quote Dad, that one post was "very townslippery" and her first post contained the first voicing of a lot of thoughts which I consider valid
Vanessa has a weirdly disproportionate amount of fluff right now, but can't access her past games so...
Personally, kinda sus of Rune and Jacob for (in my view) intentionally misinterpreting me and Punchy backing off of our original claims and not understanding our role as masons
I just want to say as I'm going through the thread is that the entire purpose of why I was campaigning in the first place is that the bulletproof aspect of the President is most useful on confirmed town. I have no doubt in my mind right now that mafia want me and Punchy dead at nearest convienince, and I think that I'm a likely kill target at this point. Being elected President does not confirm you, which is a vibe of the impression that I'm getting from more than a few people who have posted so far. Why do I want to be President? Because I'm a likely target and they're going to have to kill me and Punchy at some point to likely win (let's say it's F5 for example, me and Punchy make up half the vote if I'm mayor, and if we were lying, we could instant maj someone. Maf wants to avoid that situation)After everything that has happened, I am leaning towards believing Dolby and Punchy as masons. However; this is not to say that I want them to be elected as president. Yes, it is true that they are basically confirmed town should one of them die, but I feel as if there are more valuable roles then masons that should be elected so they can be protected. Their argument right now is "Elect one of us as you have a bullet proof innocent child", but at the end of the day one of you will already be confirmed should the other die yes? One of you is more than likely going to be killed at some point, so one of you will eventually be confirmed. The way I see it, Punchy has already cooked both of your gooses by revealing you're masons. If one of you dies the other is confirmed, so mafia would need both of you dead to prevent either of you from being in the game too long.
also for christs sake make my god damn post tbt
honestly, im kinda apprehensive about voting for players who are competent enough to be able to use the pres role effectively as maf, but if i had to pick out of the 'candidates' (which im assuming is dolby, ness and toad) id probably pick ness since it seems like hes the one most contributing to discussion and objectively looking at the, while toad seems to be more focused on not letting dolby and ness be pres rather than actually utilise the role for towns sake and im suspicious about dolbys motivation to become pres. overall, my choice for pres would be glow since they have made some pretty well thought out contributions to discussion and she may or may not be innocent child (if i could get a hard call on that itd basically be an insta vote for me)
Personally, found this weird, because Glow has been relatively inactive, and I honestly don't find her contributions all that significant. However, the suggestion is based off of out of date information. Still gonna slot Glow/Rune as a potential scum link. However, this weak sus is kinda awkward, as I don't view Toads/Glow as a compatible team as all of her content so far has been based off of sussing Toadsworthy
Would also note that Byngo is also kinda linked to Glow as well iirc
Alright, I honestly still have no idea who people are saying is blue, but I do have a reads list
Tina-Tina is the only townlean in which I have a great degree in confidence in
Byngo-kinda contradicts what I said earlier, but I do kinda feel that she's trying more than as scum in that one game I played with her
Dad-kinda liked his stuff
Amazon-purely provisional, as I personally haven't noted him buddying up or supporting any teammates, which is a key aspect of his scum meta
Deserve scrutiny(no order)
Glow-purely based of the fact that I think that certain people are giving her to much credit
Distinctly Scummy
Need to post more imo
Certain links that I want to look into more(off the top of my head)
Jacob/people who he wanted to be king