While I do believe that Ness is town, I am reluctant to accept his claim as confirmed, as many of you have chosen to do. He does, however, remain at the top of my townreads, but the improbability of him coming up with it isn't a reason to lock him because crazy claims our possible. Moreover, I'm actually slightly alarmed at the scale of his landslide victory, because that tells me that he was the maf's confirmed candidate (I know that Punchy is town, Ness voted me because he had to, and would be floored if Tina is scum. Dad, I townlean). I can pretty much guarentee that at least "X minus one" out of "X" mafia voted for him. Of course, this could easily be because no mafia was able to get their hat into the ring (it being dominated by me and Ness. Toads announced his candidacy, but it didn't take off for obvious reasons, and my claim sidelined any further candidacys.), but I do remain uncomfortable with that fact(although I do concede that at the time, me being President seemed more valuable to me on a pure utility level).
Strong Townleans
Jacob-differing somewhat from meta
Dad-I believe that he's town on the basis that scum seem to have wanted a Ness presidency, purely based off of the vote results
Byngo-Personally, don't think that Byngo can be on a team without Ness, has been far to strong in his favor far to consistently(plus, I think that if she is scum sucking up to him, she wouldn't do it to him because they were teammed last time she was scum)
Locket-I kinda want to put her at null, but when I read her reads post, I saw no signs on scum trying to elevate their teammates(with the exception of Vanessa, but she intentionally linked herself to Vanessa, so doubtful). If Ness is scum though, I would honestly say that she'd have to be with him.
At this point I kinda realized that a lot of my reads are based off of peoples interactions with Ness and my own personal assumption that Ness is town. I really hope he is for our sake.
Glow-Personally, I find her D1 behavior pretty scummy in general, no matter what her alignment, because she tends to be more involved with the game in the later stages and barely at all on D1
Rune-I think I've been way to focused (though him as well) on his grilling of Punchy
I would like to take a moment to say that I think that Rune and Glow are linked, and I wouldn't be surprised if they were scum together
Null-lack of content
Bianca-I am SO tempted to put her in my scumpool. She has been ENTIRELY useless this game, with her only real content post sussing me and Punchy
Waffles-these two are linked in my mind
Toads-to much campaigning, not enough reads
I said I was going to read more in-depth tonight but honestly I spent my evening binge-watching half of season 4 of Grace & Frankie with my Dad.
Tina confirmed scum with Dad,lol
I just want to say, again, that Ness should not be assumed to be confirmed (not to say that he himself is trying to create the impression of it). Hopefully, I should be able to go for in-depth into my reads in the coming days