Amiibo card availability

Ebgames(Gamestop) in Canada got more when the Yoshi Wooly World got delivered.
Picked up two packs and the game/amiibo.
I keep tabs on amiibo tracking sites and jump when someone posts that amazon has them for sale. Otherwise someone in my town has been buying up all of the cards from different shops. has them in stock! Just ordered 3 packs for $8 and free shipping! I used a red card for free shipping and had a $10 off coupon for any online order.
I bought the last pack at a Target today. I asked if they had more in the back and was told that they didn't and they were also discontinuing them.

I didn't think they would stop production on the cards so early :/
My sister and I were *extremely* lucky in getting as many packs as we did. One Gamestop we went to only allowed one pack per customer but at another Gamestop (that we are regulars and the employees recognize us) let us buy as many packs as we wanted (we only purchased three each). And we cleared out one Walmart of it's entire stock of cards over the course of three weeks because no one was buying them AT ALL. Yet at other Walmarts, they had zilch.

So in my personal experience, getting these cards has been a crap shoot.
Still available on, but one pack/order. :/ I threw one in with an order I made last week to hit the free shipping at $35.

They are (still) really hard to find in my neck of the woods.