Amiibo card availability

I found a whole box of them at Wal-Mart the other day, and was lucky enough to get four more packs.
There doesn't seem to be any problem with cards in the UK (or at least where I live). I've brought 30 packs from Argos and they told me they still had more.
Nah, it's just a problem in NA because people are jerks and will buy the whole supply to resell online later.
If people weren't greedy then everyone could just buy and play as we please.

Same with the Amiibos! There wasn't supposed to be a stock issue.
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I was told by a few others here in MA that people were going into stores the day they came out and buying the whole box. They had others buying boxes for them. Seen someone on eBay who had 85 out of 100 of the cards not far from me here in Boston and the bidding ended at $123 bucks.
I am out of town in charlotte nc and I finally found a pack of them.... I will try to find more while we do more shopping today, but I was just so psyched to find one! Lol
I've seen none in my area of the UK, I wonder if Forbidden Planet have any? Our packs only have 3 cards in them too :(
Hey guys - Amazon has opened pre-orders on the card packs @ 5.99 a pack -- shipping by the 18th. Limit is 3 packs. Hopefully they'll last more than five minutes!
I'm real tempted to buy some through Amazon now, but ugg wanting to buy them at Best Buy to get reward points! Arg!
I bought my first pack on amazon the day of release. Got the second with my game (my mom bought it for me for my birthday since Im broke right now, but I convince her to give to to me yesterday instead on my birthday (next month). There were about 8 packs at Target when I got those. Then today at walmart there was one pack so I grabbed it. They seem to be pretty available around here, though amiibo are pretty hard to get around here, since theres tons of people in my area after them. Thats why I got apackon amazon when they released, I assumed people would be crazy about them like amiibo.
3 packs and no doubles so far!
I'm real tempted to buy some through Amazon now, but ugg wanting to buy them at Best Buy to get reward points! Arg!

Best Buy is still totally out of stock where I live. I have heard rumors that "everyone" is supposed to get a shipment this week.

We'll see!
I was checking online to see if any places near me had any or if I could get them shipped to my place and almost every place I looked was sold out of the cards. It seems that Best Buy, Toys R Us and Amazon are the only places that I've seen that still have them online with shipping. Best Buy still has it for 1 pack per person as well. I didn't think these would be hard to find like the amiibo figurines were...
They're all gone on Amazon now. Still online at TRU (6.99) and Best Buy (5.99, 4.79 for club members). GameStop is still sold out online but you can check for stock online and place a hold for pick up (not that there are any near me).

I didn't think these would be so much trouble either -- I thought the whole point of the cards was to make amiibos more accessible!
I got bangle and Diana in the one pack I was able to find! But that was literally the only one I've ever seen in real life
They're all gone on Amazon now. Still online at TRU (6.99) and Best Buy (5.99, 4.79 for club members). GameStop is still sold out online but you can check for stock online and place a hold for pick up (not that there are any near me). !

I was able to snatch one off of Amazon. My Boyfriend is gonna get me one off of Best Buy since he'll get a discount and free shipping because he's a rewards member.
GameStop restocked, limit of 10 so they may not last long. I admit I am tempted even though I just pre-ordered some on Amazon. Restraining myself though....
GameStop restocked, limit of 10 so they may not last long. I admit I am tempted even though I just pre-ordered some on Amazon. Restraining myself though....

oh dang maybe I should call and see if any are left... I went to walmarts, toys r us, and target but all sold out still.... I'm gonna have to be on my game when series 2 comes out lol!
I spoke too soon. Ive had no issues grabbing packs in store until now. I decided to get a couple yesterday, went to 2 targets, 3 best buys, toys r us, and GameStop and didn't find them until the last Best Buy. And to get that one I had to buy it on the website and do in store pick up today! Crazy. Hopefully they won't be as hard to find as most amiibo were, though they are getting huge restocks now. Nintendo needs to get it together and supply enough for the demand.
Still sold out at all the local Target, GameStop, Best Buy, and Toys R Us stores.

Haven't been to Wal-Mart tho... ;)
I bought 7 packs in total spread out over the last two weeks from our local Walmart ... Small town in BC Canada ... I think I am the only one in town buying them ... Lol ... I looked in Walmart and in Bestbuy in another town two days ago and they were sold out completely ... I am tempted to go back to my local Walmart and just clean them out totally ... Hahaha ... I actually phoned them to ask to have them held for me but they wouldn't do it ... Even when I pulled the "pity me" story - just had surgery and am laid up for a few days ... ��
I have a few duplicates now for trading and am looking for a Checklist to download ❤️