amiibo Official General Discussion

Which Amiibo did you get?

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Has this been confirmed yet?

I mean I know of the mock-up you're referring to, and it'd really make sense for standard Wario to be SMB line (as I've mentioned earlier), but I don't think I've heard or seen anything official on a release outside of being shown in the MP10 trailer. Which seems rather odd to me, because there's no reason why we shouldn't have at least an unpainted prototype mold by now.

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Well I mean if you're going to imprison them in their own prison forever, at least give them a view or something.

Yes they have a window but its no good behind closed doors
they are doing original wario except it's for the SMB line

I guess that's just as good. It will work in Smash after all.

I thought/assumed the SMB line was going to be the original batch and nothing more. Happy to see I'm wrong!

But there you go, proof of my amiibo collection.
The quality was the reason why I did not want to post the pictures...

It's pretty cool to see them all on that shelf, as well as all the boxed ones stacked on top of each other like some sort of prison block. They look to take up less room than I thought they would.

The quality also isn't that bad. My picture quality is worse.
So whats next after amiibo is done and over with, should we start collecting bottle caps ?..

@ Jason : Thank you for finally showing your collection to us now I can finally dispatch my group of gnomes terrorist to go and get your amiibo's.

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So whats next after amiibo is done and over with, should we start collecting bottle caps ?..

come on, its obvious what the next step for amiibo will be

"remember Captain N? he's back. in pogmiibo form"

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I have shown off 74 amiibo today with those photos guys.

I have 41 unboxed amiibo on the first photo.
I have 3 unboxed amiibo on the second photo.
I have 4 boxed amiibo on the third photo.
I have 3 boxed amiibo on the fourth photo.
I have 23 boxed amiibo on the fifth photo.

I have 5 unboxed. Want to trade? :p

I'm surprised you have more unboxed than boxed.
No anything, but pog's please no !!!. I remember I use to collect them like crazy when I was a kid back in the 90's I took some of my pogs to school and we use to like gamble for them XD...

I wish pog's will go back in style, but then again parents now a days will complain that its teaching their kids on how to gamble x.x..
Im gonna buy my first amiibo tomorrow, if I have enough money, when I go to GAME.

Idk what it will be, I'll just buy one I like when I get there ;u;
@ Jason : Thank you for finally showing your collection to us now I can finally dispatch my group of gnomes terrorist to go and get your amiibo's.
They won't want to come to my place...

It is full of horrific traps as it is where Gnome man has gone before.
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an Iwata amiibo really shouldn't be made, as it'd basically just be Nintendo capitalizing on his death. Which would be a rather scummy thing to do, that I'm sure they're already fully aware of.
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an Iwata amiibo really shouldn't be made, as it'd basically just be Nintendo capitalizing on his death. Which would be a rather scummy thing to do, that I'm sure they're already fully aware of.

Unless like the money went to cancer research or something?
.. it'd basically just be Nintendo capitalizing on his death...
..if you need to get an Iwata amiibo to consider donating to that, then you've got serious issues

isn't that hypocritical tho, as iwata made HUGE sacrifices and invested his whole life trying to get nintendo through the troubles.
so i doubt that iwata would be opposed to the idea. that's up to his family and nintendo to decide. i don't see how an iwata amiibo would be disrespectful. it could and probably would just be a limited run.. maybe they'd release a set with others of the main nintendo players & inventors. i just think it would be a nice gesture and i think iwata would look awesome as an amiibo. nintendo can't "capitalize on his death" cause iwata IS nintendo. anyway nothing has been announced regarding this, it's just a fan petition...

i don't think that's what monkey meant tho...
the thing about adding a note like 'part of the proceeds go to cancer research' to a product is more about raising awareness and drawing attention to these organisations that you can support and that you can do a difference and help. the sad truth is that even today lots of people arent aware or care unless it affects someone they know or themselves. also the money they would actually raise is still valuable. more than if they didnt do it at all cause it seems too little and just denying it alltogether.
doesnt mean you have to limit your support to this.

i'd love to play as 8bit mr. iwata in mario maker... just sayin'
anyway we'll see what happens.
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if you need to get an Iwata amiibo to consider donating to that, then you've got serious issues

You could say that about a lot of charitable things.

- Why does somebody need to run 50 miles before you'll give money to AIDs research?
- Why do they have to offer you a plush tiger to donate money to protecting endangered species?
- Why do you have to watch 50,000 different commercials about starving children and receive a hand written letter every month before you'll donate ?2 to build them a well?
- Why do they have to have an entire day (red nose day) dedicated to humor and fun before anybody will bother to donate anything to help suffering people?
- Why are there constantly loads of people in town/city centers harassing me to give money to yet another friggin' charity?

If we're gonna complain about the possibility of an Iwata Amiibo with the funds going to cancer research because "you shouldn't need a reward", you should probably complain about almost every other form of charity as well.

End of the day, these charities wouldn't succeed if there wasn't a 'carrot on a stick'.
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- Why do you have to watch 50,000 different commercials about starving children and receive a hand written letter every month before you'll donate ?2 to build them a well?
- Why do they have to have an entire day (red nose day) dedicated to humor and fun before anybody will bother to donate anything to help suffering people?
- Why are there constantly loads of people in town/city centers harassing me to give money to yet another friggin' charity?

ah yes, guilt-tripping. that sure is an enticing carrot on a stick, and certainly not the number one thing that makes me never want to donate to a charity, due to how sleazy a tactic it is.
After showing someone my amiibo display yesterday (it was littered with receipts, perfume bottles, etc) I felt ashamed enough to clean it up and get more of them unboxed. Now there are only 2 instead of uh 13 haha. :)


They could be better organised but I'm struggling to find an arrangement that looks good.