amiibo Official General Discussion

Which Amiibo did you get?

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Newest addition to my collection. :D


I also got a free pack of Pok?mon tissues with him lol.
Nice amiibo figure you got there Tina I would have gotten one,but GameStop messed up on my reservation and cancel it c.c..
I am about to preorder my second Mewtwo amiibo and second Super Mario Modern Colour amiibo now. :D
I am SO hyped right now!!!!

That is a DLC amiibo that has been JUST as easy to get... I lol at amiibo "rarity"

EDIT: I was the first to preorder Mewtwo amiibo and the Super Mario Modern Colour amiibo from the retailer website, they have confirmed.
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I am so glad I be able to start buying more amiibo's soon once I have finally settle down in my new house I bought. The first amiibo I will probably order from Amazon will probably be Charizard XD. Plus I have to get my retro 3 pack I reserve from GameStop as well c.c.
What you guys would do if the next amiibo exclusive would only be available by purchasing the new Nintendo system code name NX would you get it ?..
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What you guys would do if the next amiibo exclusive would only be available by purchasing the new Nintendo system code name NX would you get it ?..
Now THATS one amiibo I would be FORCED to have one of...

The Nintendo NX is likely to be costlier than the Nintendo Wii U for me. The Nintendo Wii U cost me ?309.99. ($484.98)
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I sure love this variety of different Zeldas! Thanks Target!!!

"Oh, looking for amiibo? We have Zelda!"
"Okay, do you have any others?"
"One Bowser, but we really just want to sell Zeldas these days!"

I bet they all had weirdly painted on faces, too