Amiibos You Wish You Had?

I need a waro to complete my Bad Boiz collection lol

Poor wal is all alone rn rip
i want my yarn yoshi boi. i've never played a single yoshi game but it's just so darn cute. and reese and cyrus, because they have a lot of crap that i want. i feel like the amiibo capacity of my 3ds is so underused. the only amiibo i own is digby, and only because he was like $5 CND. endlessly debating whether to buy a couple amiibos or a new game.
I'm starting to get a Link/LoZ amiibo addiction. I've got Archer Link, SSB Link, the Guardian, and I'd kill to get my hands on one of the Toon Link ones.
The Bayonetta ones, so pretty ;w;

Also the villager one bc items and he got the galaxy floor:^)
I have the Chrom amiibo now. :)

I might get the detective Pikachu amiibo when it releases. I think it looks nice.
Dark Pit. For a long time I tried to get him, until I started to regret my Pit purchase and then he appears everywhere :(
Wolf Link. I want him in my town, and for my boyfriend and I to be able to use him in Breathe of the Wild.
I wish I had the WA cards
Were Pearl and Marina announced?
No, but there is a possibility that Pearl and Marina will get their own amiibo in the future. Callie and Marie didn't get their own amiibo until a whole year after Splatoon's release.

I eventually caved in and bought the scalped Legend of Zellda amiibos. Now I have all of them.
I really want the skyward sword and majoras mask link. It was impossible to preorder them, and once they went live they sold out pretty much instantly. I really regret not buying zelda when she first came out. She was everywhere so I figured I'd wait and focus on the rarer ones. Now I can't find her anywhere.