Animal Crossing date?

Points up at my previous topic....leave him alone unless you actually want to virtually date him.......i recommend coffeebean to step up to the B)
bdubs2594 said:
Points up at my previous topic....leave him alone unless you actually want to virtually date him.......i recommend coffeebean to step up to the B)
She doesn't have City Folk! :O
Oh hell no. You did not just...ugh. xD
xD Coolio I know you want to date me, but sorry...
I don't date people who ask for virtual dates...xDDD
LOLz no but seriously coolio, why would you date someone over a video game? That's like super corny....
coffeebean! said:
Oh hell no. You did not just...ugh. xD
xD Coolio I know you want to date me, but sorry...
I don't date people who ask for virtual dates...xDDD
LOLz no but seriously coolio, why would you date someone over a video game? That's like super corny....
*nods head in agreement...but realizes nobody can see decides to post a reply*
This whole business makes me a bit sad. u_u I don't really see how you could even have a date on animal crossing. Romantic fishing, maybe? =| Don't worry, you'll get to have an actual date if you just wait for it. ^^
I have done was hilarious....the guy in the corner was making these surprised can also rape their furniture by grabbing it and trying to pull it back and forth. It looks like your raping it :p
bdubs2594 said:
I have done was hilarious....the guy in the corner was making these surprised can also rape their furniture by grabbing it and trying to pull it back and forth. It looks like your raping it :p
Shake a tree. 'Nuff said. xD
Yeah agreed Ron. lolz xD
xD Wow. o.o Dude seriously you're gonna get a....nvm.
Hey anyways, this topic went from virtual dating to tree rape. xD Wowz. o_O
XD I visited a town today and I was shaking trees for jollies. And I guess the connection was a bit slow because the tree shaking was like... extended. That was interesting. >_>
Ron Ronaldo said:
XD I visited a town today and I was shaking trees for jollies. And I guess the connection was a bit slow because the tree shaking was like... extended. That was interesting. >_>
Interesting is another word for it.... o.o
Oh...god. Ron! xDDDDD
If I were drinking something right now it would have totally been coming out of my nose when I read that. xDDD
That's very interesting, don't I wish I was there....wait can 2 people shake the same tree at the same time? O.O
coffeebean! said:
Oh...god. Ron! xDDDDD
If I were drinking something right now it would have totally been coming out of my nose when I read that. xDDD
That's very interesting, don't I wish I was there....wait can 2 people shake the same tree at the same time? O.O
You wish...nope only 1 :r
XDD I'm starting to feel a little bad for these trees. I'm pretty sure that if they had internet access they'd pretty much be in hiding right now. Maybe up on top of those magical cliffs that the bus goes through.
Speaking of the bus.....nope thats it for more topic changes....hey, wasn't this thread supposed to be about dating? Not raping...poor...helpless.....trees.....