🌹Animal Crossing Journals: The 1 Year Challenge, 2017 Edition🌹

i think the thing most challenging about this whole challenge is the regularly updating shizz lmao, it's such a struggle when i'm working ;w; sorry again, they're probs gonna be a bit intermittent

also update :: the delivery people messed up my order with my sanrio cards so they're not actually coming until thursday, so if any of you are interested in visiting let me know on thursday/after or w.e c:

16th January

★ first thing i noticed when i opened the game.. GREEN TREES!!! spring is ALMOST upon us. i can feel it
★ there was a mushroom next to my stump!! so happy about this. can't wait to have clovers and mushies everywhere
★ blathers requested a second floor to the museum, of which i happily obliged!
★ paid off the museum renovation with my bells made from the turnips!
★ caught lots and lots of sea creatures, i actually hate diving. i'm so bad !!! how do you guys do it?!
★ i caught a scallop which meant.. PASCAL!! omg i actually love him, i remember him from WW and his little tangents are just so cute
★ phineas was in town again, quickly ran over and he gave me the seafood maniac badge! just when i was about to lose hope too. thanks phineas <33
★ i'm beginning to wonder if any of my villagers will request anything nice, victoria requested a caution sign..
★ there was a meteor shower so i took a nice picture on my favourite rock next to my west waterfall c:

i'll be playing a bit later tonight so i'll either edit this post or make a new one! also screenshots will be linked to imgur since there are so many

Day 17.

I made some designs for the four Hogwarts houses, so itll be really interesting to see what houses the villagers think they're in!! Ill keep you updated!

I went to the island mostly today, just to pay off home lone (got a little bit of that left) and dream suite so that should be up tomorrow!

did the usual stuff. Bit slow today but hopefully itll pick up soon!

Ive not been able to do any of the challanges set so far =( so im just taking it day by day and see how we get!
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Just now saw that we can just take pictures of our encyclopedia for the monthly challenge....
I take way too many screen shots and it's been awful trying to organize them lol. I just need to double-check the encyclopedia and I'll be done. *deep intense sigh*

- paid off 2nd floor museum. I can't wait for the cafe' I miss my tall bean child.
- I did a lot of favors
- I have way more purple roses than I need
- trying super hard for blue roses. I'm tempted to trade for them but it's been a long time since I made the effort to grow all of the hybrids without help.
- I have caught many rare fish for my villies today. They still haven't passed the default friend level--- I know it's decently high since they mostly give me furniture... But they take forever to respond to my letters (if they respond) and... eh. (My milky sky residents have been at high friendship for a while, so this is kinda a bummer. I'm used to getting really sweet letters ; A ; )
- A collection of pixels has officially hurt my feelings. What is life?
- Found and donated fossils
- I'll update my numbers once my bf wakes up so I can use our tablet ^^;;;
- ??????

I'm not super happy with my paths right now, trying to figure out if I want to change them up a bit :eek: I wish there were more light blue flowers to plant in new leaf. Currently planning on doing a pastel blue theme for my town but it still might change...
?ヮ? I don't know what I'm doinggggg

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@mocha., @little_caicai
You both not getting responses from villagers is so odd :eek: What do you mean by it taking "forever"? I reliably get responses the next time the mail is delivered!

However, I am experiencing the same difficulties breeding hybrids. Apart from a single pink rose, all I seem to get are bunches of white carnations -.- I'm not-so-patiently waiting for orange pansies and blue violets
Maybe towns started on January 1 are cursed *shrug*

@Mocha: Awwh, thank you Mocha! I have happy news, Freya finally waved at me (thank goodness for perfect fruit ; u ; )! If you're available some time in the next hour or so, would you like to visit / possibly exchange some perfect fruit stacks?

@Foxglove: Yeah, it's weird! I don't remember this ever happening before. I've been sending mail almost daily to my villagers and a few times I didn't get replies or got replies two days after etc. Not all of the villagers have been responding and Freya even sent a kind of passive-aggressive letter this morning ^^; I wonder if I'm talking to them too much :<
I'm sorry you're having trouble with hybrids too! D: I've been lucky with purple and pink roses, but that's about it ^^;;

Today was a relaxing day since I had school this morning!

-Museum second story opened up!
-Paid off my 3rd bridge
-Redd was here again, only real picture I have, so will look to trade with someone else.
-Tended to my hybrids(@Foxglove if you want I can give you 2 orange pansies, I think I have 3 or 4 now). I now have Pink, Black, Orange, and Purple Roses (Still trying to get my 2 special roses to give me blue, but nothing yet:( ), Pink and Orange Cosmos, Orange Pansies, Pink and Orange Lilies.
-Did all the daily chores and talked with my villagers
-Ended my day off normally by going to the island and grinding for some more bells!

@Mocha: Awwh, thank you Mocha! I have happy news, Freya finally waved at me (thank goodness for perfect fruit ; u ; )! If you're available some time in the next hour or so, would you like to visit / possibly exchange some perfect fruit stacks?

hey I'm so sorry!! It was really late last night so I just went to bed after that post lmao!! If you're on later tonight when I am then I'd happy trade you!! c:
-Tended to my hybrids(@Foxglove if you want I can give you 2 orange pansies, I think I have 3 or 4 now)

I'd love that! In exchange I could offer white carnations if you're interested, as well as stopping by my campgrounds (having Chelsea visit later today).
Day 18

- Dream suit is now open!
I visited the dream towns Shelter and Lilium today both where super cute!

- did the usual bits round town
- put my designs in the Able shops and now to sit and wait as to who puts on what uniform. XD

Didnt do much else thou!
I'd love that! In exchange I could offer white carnations if you're interested, as well as stopping by my campgrounds (having Chelsea visit later today).

Ooo I would love white carnations to start breeding them! :eek:
Just let me know whenever you are around ^_^
I should be here for the next 2 hours before I leave for work!
day 18:

-rudy was in boxes
-i got the request for dream suite
- katrina visit for the second time
- i had katie but couldnt take her somewhere
- shrunk came and i got the 6 signatures

that all
i think 2 day or yesterday i got my first 2 badges wish is fish and diving :p

also for today i dont see a lot of plans in my town but now that i have a space will invite another dreamie of mine

No worries! I know how that goes :p Hopefully we'll eventually be free at the same time! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

1/18 - 1/19

I don't even know what I did today, it's all a blur lol.
- did tons of favors
- fossils and donations
- Visited my so-far favorite dream town of Undella (will post screens soon!)
- 2nd floor is built, celebrated!
- I think I unlocked a PWP but it was a random one that I didn't write down / didn't really want ^^;
- Have a thoroughly sanrio-themed house (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
- Laid new paths, dunno if I like it or not! Look in screens for comparison! <3
- Paid for a basement expansion

Time to explore some street pass houses!

My paths (blue stone with welcome mats or blue rose with pastel bricks?)

I'll upload more later this week!

Bonus: If you'd like to see, this is my little Marshal plush I made a while back 。◕ ‿ ◕。


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Can't wait for Etoile to be all moved in tomorrow, her plot was just where I wanted it this morning which made me SUPER happy! Can't wait to see her tomorrow as a villager of my town. Had to say goodbye to Curlos today but that just makes more room for the villagers I actually want to move in! =D
day 20

- Dr Shrunk opened so i got my first emotion which is Outrage lol
- Did the usual stuff
- I will be going over to the Island tonight to get some much needed bells!
- Kicks has been building for two days now
- woke Gulliver up (he wanted to go to Grease!)
- chopped down all my oranges so im only growing perfect oranges.
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Portia (snooty Dalmatian) will be moving on the 23rd - would anyone be interested in picking her up? She's a great Snooty imo

UGH! I only just came back to animal crossing, wish I could do this :((

I'm doing the challenge for myself and very casually (as in, I may not reach all the goals on time). I'm sure you could find a way to still join - it's not like we're months into the game yet! :eek: