🌹Animal Crossing Journals: The 1 Year Challenge, 2017 Edition🌹

i didnt play at all on thursday.

but i play a little on wedneaday;
Winnie was in my campsite and even though i had 9 villagers she was being such a cow about moving in, must of asked her at least 10 times and in the end i just gave up! i used to like her but after that stand up i dont think i do any more!! grrr!!!

I played a little yesterday and poppy was in my campsite played a few games of the cost a lot to see if shed give me the stew pot but nothing. will try again with the next villager lol. i didnt want her in my town as shes already in my main town. :)

will play a little this morning and will hopefully go to the island tonight!
Tomorrow the monthly Lottery will take place! All people who have entered the challenge will be entered and randomly picked!
Haha... I haven't been posting on here, mainly the Discord server.

I found a good Turnip trade today so I spent a few hours grinding for turnips and gained a few million bells... I think I am good for the rest of the game unless I want the bell badges.

I also removed all greenery from my town to help me plot villagers and make my paths. This was a bit wasteful imo, but I would've probably removed everything anyway.

I went to a few peoples towns to trade fossils and now I have 48/67 fossils!

Later today I might upload all my encyclopedia to the Discord server for this month's challenge :3
With the use of Random.org and the spreadsheet, the winners of the first TBT Lottery have been picked! In 3rd place we have...


Next up in second place, we have...


And the winner of the lottery is...


Each winner will receive 1 million, 2 million and 3 million in respect of their order! Unfortunately, I will not be able to distribute prizes until next weekend when I am freed up.

Thank you all! May I tell you we have some special challenges coming up for February!


Finished donations for a Fairy Tale Town Hall upgrade~
took every last bell out of my savings and sunk it into turnips, made ~13 mill in a friend's town ಥ‿ಥ
Update later~ I haven't done much in town since selling the turnips took so freaking long ^^;;

(Also, un-related note. Just watched Markiplier play to the moon for the first time and wowee I cried a lot, lol~ Also, partially related:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ALV8rinsT0Q A lyrical adaptation for the old cafe' music! Made me feel super happy and I really like all the game music on her channel~ It's what made me look up "to the moon")

hey guys, how are you all doing? Another big post coming up lmao
Also I'm posting this from my phone so the format won't be as good, sorrryyy

January 24th

? shampoodles opened
? nooks is under construction
? changed my hair colour to pink, didn't like it!!!
? vesta moved in (bae)
? fire pit PWP has been built
? placed the cafe and paid it off
? iggly requested something crappy but can't remember what it was lmao

January 25th

? super t&t opened
? hamlet was sat on my tree stump (so cute ;w;)
? cafe opened! had my first coffee

January 26th

? had another coffee at the cafe
? gulliver was on the beach, this time the answer was Peru!
? got some orange hybrid roses and cosmos (still no sign of anything black)

January 27th

? another mushroom appeared next to my tree stump!
? Gayle announced she's moving out, hoping to replace her with my beloved fauna ❤️
? had ANOTHER coffee (I know my username is mocha but I don't even like coffee lmao)
? unlocked the takeaway coffee thingymajig
? BEAU WAS IN THE CAMPSITE but already had 10 villies so couldn't adopt him /crycry why couldn't I swap for camofrog
? got my fortune told by Katrina

January 28th

? Marty came over to my house
? forgot to mention in the other posts I've been going to club lol to get emotions!
So far I have aggravation, confusion, happiness, curiosity and shocked!
? picked up a lost item and returned it to camofrog (ffs)
? got a takeaway coffee from the cafe (so much more aesthetically pleasing)
? only have 13more fossils to collect
? went diving a lot on the island and caught all but 1 of January's sea creatures!
? demolished the cobblestone bridge

January 29th

? built suspension bridge to replace cobblestone
? ran around with my coffee from the cafe for a bit (it makes me feel sophisticated ok)
? went to the island and did a few tours
? bought a PINK WETSUIT *worlds longest yea booiiiii*
? phineas was in town, got seafood encyclopaedia and backyard gardener badges
? bought and sold turnips (savings is now at 3mil which is petty compared to you guys 😭)
? got some more flowers from the island tours and landscaped a bit more

Unfortunately no screenies today since I'm on my mobile but I'll either post them tomorrow or edit this post with them attached! Still loving keeping up with everyone's towns, it's amazing how far you've all progressed already!!
Congrats to the winners!

Today my Cafe opened! I got my very first coffee from Brewster, and I got to have it right next to Etoile! She said she enjoys the Kilimanjaro beans!

I didn't do a whole lot else beside buy out my stores and sell off the stuff I didn't want, I've been working on a blueprint for my mayor's house. OH I did have Viche over for the first time to the RV site and she was super cute, kind of a waste cause I realized I didn't really want any of her stuff, but I wasn't on long enough to offer visits. I definitely will on my days off though!

I have all all three compatible Splatoon amiibo, the sanrio set, and working on getting more of the WA, I have a few so far. So I'll be offering visits if people want to meet any of them and buy their stuff!
Not much has been happening in Bliss.
I've been pretty busy IRL and not motivated to play.
Freya was in my campsite. She's a dreamy but didn't have room :(
Still don't have that puzzle leauge game all the cookies have been repeats which is getting old.
Finally paid off light house. Now working on gift shop for museum.
Stitches gave me an orange yay!
Lack of storage space is driving me nuts but I'm hording clothes for the fashion challenge sigh.
T-bone and Iggy wanted to move told them both no.
Played hide and seek a lot lately.
Not much has been going on in town hah hah.
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January 30th

• so glad the mushies are starting to appear ❤️ found another one next to my stump at the campsite
• celebrated the suspension bridge completion
• gulliver was on the beach again, USA this time!
• visited a couple dream towns to get inspired for my own town, loving the overgrown look!
• planted a streetlight PWP near my western waterfall
• completed January's bug, fish and diving creature challenge
• hoping to landscape more this evening (been buying lots of bush starts and saplings)
• did the dailies
• summoned etoile at the campsite and bought a few of her items
• played hide and seek with vesta
• did a few "quests" for ma fave villies (still no sign of a picture from willow ����)

Was crazy busy BUT all my grad school applications are in!! Talk about stressful. Animal Crossing was a brief reprieve.

I'm splitting up the weeks because I wrote a lot. I'm aiming to at least post weekly for February...

JANUARY 14, 2017
★ My house now has a second floor
★ The Campsite is finished
★ Kicks is FINALLY open
★ Got enough signatures for Camp LOL
★ Katrina told me to wear H-striped bottoms
★ Got a FAKE painting from Anicotti
★ Started and paid for the Dream Suite!
★ Found a flower stump and music note stump <3
★ Colton asked me for a Police Station so now I have to decide which one I want... I like both Copper and Booker. I'm leaning towards Copper but I also like the look of the old police station.




JANUARY 15, 2017
★ Dream Suite is officially open
★ Blathers asked me to renovate the Museum so I've started that PWP
★ Daisy is moving away! I like Daisy and the spot her house is located, but I also like cycling through the villagers.
★ Portia is camping, she asked to move in and I was like "sure"... so I guess she's replacing Daisy





JANUARY 16, 2017
★ Got the Seafood Maniac badge from Phineas. My first badge!
★ Finally got a slingshot. There are so many tools and it annoys me how much space they take up lol.
★ Went to the Island for $$$... I want my museum renovation.



JANUARY 17, 2017
★ Paid for the museum renovation

JANUARY 18, 2017
★ Gulliver again... he's heading to America
★ Portia picked a spot right behind my house... she hasn't even moved in yet, but I'm gonna kick her out as soon as possible lol
★ Found a lost book, forgot who I gave it to though!
★ The museum shop is officially open!
★ Lyle gave me gossip about Leif





JANUARY 19, 2017
★ Katrina told me to wear pants
★ Getting closer to bingo...




JANUARY 20, 2017
★ Got a legit painting from Redd!

JANUARY 21, 2017
★ Fishing Tourney today!
★ Shampoodle is under construction
★ I've started learning expressions from Shrunk
★ And I got my first song, K.K. Synth!




JANUARY 22, 2017
★ BINGO! Got a snowmobile.
★ Finally hit 10 000 points on my house. I never score high on these lol.
★ Started and paid for the police station - I decided on Cooper, even though I really like Booker too..
★ Paid for the secret storageroom! Wow, it's been a while since I played. I swear they never had this option.
★ Shampoodle still under construction
★ Meteor shower, too!




JANUARY 23, 2017
★ T&T is have a premodeling sale
★ Lottie showed me how to decorate - this is actually so much easier, and I'm glad we can finally rotate the items on top of tables...
★ Got the Good Samaritan badge from Phineas. I might not turn down a request, but that doesn't mean I fulfill it...
★ Said hello to Cooper and stole a few things from the Lost and Found








JANUARY 24, 2017
★ Blathers suggested a cafe - finally!
★ Gulliver again
★ Mannequin from the Able Sisters!




JANUARY 25, 2017
★ Said goodbye to Daisy
★ Katrina told me to wear a green emblem blazer
★ Shampoodle opened up - wanted to get a haircut, but idk! I think my favourite haircut is the messy hair after you haven't played for a while
★ Found a lost item (a pouch) - forgot who I gave it to
★ And some more gossip from Lyle, on the Nook brothers
★ I finally got around to organizing my clothes lol. Yes, I'm still talking about the game






JANUARY 26, 2017
★ Talked to Pete for a bit
★ Got Cyrus to change my game shelf from pink to black


JANUARY 27, 2017
★ Not much going on
★ I found 3 plesio torsos at once though

JANUARY 28, 2017
★ Got a painting from Redd
★ Finalized my spot for the cafe (I couldn't commit for a while!) and paid it off
★ Created a new character, Osono, to run a bakery/cafe. Kiki's Delivery Service was my favourite movie as a kid.
★ Got Bubblegum K.K.

JANUARY 29, 2017
★ IRL news, got amiibo figurines from someone off Kijiji. I got the set with KK, Cyrus, and Reese
★ Said hi to Brewster. He's his usual taciturn self.
★ Also, I've noticed that my furniture gifts to villagers are for sale at Retail! They're always hocking my gifts :(


JANUARY 30, 2017
★ I didn't really play because I was feeling sick
★ Did a bit of daily chores but I ended up missing Gulliver and didn't go to the shops...

JANUARY 31, 2017
★ Feeling a little better, did the daily chores
★ More wallpaper and carpets from Saharah

In other news, I can't seem to figure out how to 'like' other people's posts? I click the thumbs-up and nothing happens...
Things are going well so far in Bliss
*Paid off a lot on gift shop. 18k left.
*Daily stuff (water flowers, money rock ect.)
*cookies- master sword, Varian?suit the metriod shirt thing can't spell
*cleaned out my closet...need to sort clothes for Gracie into styles but I'm to lazy whatever.

I really felt like fishing today but my pet bunny chomped my 3DS charger in half. Whoops. (My bunny is okay and wasn't hurt he just looked proud of himself. He said it was obviously a snake he saved me from. Getting a new charger tomorrow maybe but saving the battery.)
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23 - 31
Got 2 more badges
I have kick building
Shampoodle it's being build
Live venue open (and still haven't to see k.k. slider)
My mules can now do my work of paths :)
I got 2 mannequin
Almost finishing my splatoon room
I got the second floor of the museum
Soleil left
and finish my encyclopedia for January and February :p

That about it
Sorry that I haven't been posting! I wanted to get my town up and running!
Today I paid off another suspension bridge
did daily chores
got an emotion (sorrow)
i'm still playing and will update you guys!

Playing daily still, but I've been awful about keeping track :<
Doing all of my dailies EXCEPT I keep forgetting to bring Shrunk fruit in the afternoon @_@ The times I play are generally before he opens his doors and after the club actually opens ^^;

I STILL HAVEN'T GOTTEN BLUE ROSES! I've gotten tons of black, pink, and purple, but no blue yet *sigh*

I ended up failing the January challenge of getting a villager picture, and never submitted my January fish, bug, and diving screenies ^^;; But still! Good luck in February everyone! One month down!

(Also, off-topic, but my 9-year anniversary with my darling is on the 8th! Super excited! Also will probably forget to update this sunday for the usual D&D meet up <3 )

So I moved in Clyde, Annalise moved out, but since she was in boxes when I moved in Clyde I still had to pick someone to replace so I moved out Robin too. So today I was at 9 villagers so I just told wisp I want Vladimir to move in so now I have Etoile, Diana, Clyde and soon to be Vladimir already moved in! Getting my dreamies pretty steadily. Woo!
february 1-2

nothing much really
bella its gonna move in tomorrow i adopted her today
today was groundhog day
shampoodle has been built
i think i said around cafe got requested but where i want it a villager is there who i want it to move away
Vladimir picked the perfect plot today which was really awesome can't wait to see him tomorrow! I was too lazy to coerce another villager to move in today though, I'm back at 10 so I'll have to move someone out and I feel like they'll just plot right where the previous villager moved out... Guess we wont know until it happens.