🌹Animal Crossing Journals: The 1 Year Challenge, 2017 Edition🌹

Would it be alright to take her?
I have Rowan in boxes today so ill have room by the 23rd. :)

Absolutely, I'd love for her to find a new home! We can PM about when you'll be free to meet her :3
She still has a nice house and her original catchphrase (along with half of my town lol)
Absolutely, I'd love for her to find a new home! We can PM about when you'll be free to meet her :3
She still has a nice house and her original catchphrase (along with half of my town lol)

awesome! thank you!
Itll probs be best if i Pm you when im back from work and before i start my evening shift!

ive never had her before! so that will be nice! thank you!
Finally a someone requested a move (That I could agree to). I have been having such difficulty getting pings for it, though my PWPs have been gathering quite nicely. Benedict will be out on the 30th!
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Etoile moved in and I got to talk to her while she was unpacking, her house is so cute too OMFG! So perf for my town I stg! I think since I'm back to the 9 villagers since Curlos moved I will maybe move in someone else tomorrow, I'll have to see who I want that I have the cards of first, I'll be posting on here and on the discord when I have my Sanrio RV's open for free visits, I don't really have anything steal worthy in my town since it's so new so I will be doing them for free for everyone if anybody wants to come visit, sadly since I have her moved in I can't really summon Etoile's Rv but I will be summoning all the other ones so I can buy all the items from them so they'll each be over for a few days, just try to catch me when I'm on!
Hey guys! Sorry it's been a while, been busy with college irl and there wasn't too much going on in game, hope your towns are all going well!

Here's what's been happening in Latibule!

Day 13 ~

- Fauna moving in

Day 14 ~

- Kicks opened
- Got signatures for Shrunk

Day 15 ~

- Unlocked and payed off the Second Floor of the museum

Day 16 ~

- It snowed for the first time in Latibule!
- Got the Lunar Floor and the Bathhouse Wall from Saharah

Day 17 ~

- Got the silver net and shovel

Day 18 ~

- Kyle tried to move, he ain't going no where

Day 19 & 20

- Didn't play

Day 21

- Shampoodles is under construction!
- Got two top records in the fishing tourney
^ Oh man I'll have to participate in the fishing tourney tomorrow! It'll be my first one woo-hoo! (in this town, I've done one before.)
Day 21. Fishing Tourney

I won!!
Didnt think i would but there we go!
Now the gold fishing trophy can go in the Gryffindor commom room when that needs decorating. :)

My second bridge had also finished, so thats going to make things easier!
think im going to build a fountain next by the town hall.

Also just caught a stringfish! right in the most awkward place but i got one! finally lol.
Might go tot he island later and get some bugs for bells!
hey guys! sorry for not keeping you updated! i think i'm gonna have to cut the updates down to weekly from now on because the only time i have free to blog is at the weekend. i still check on how you're all doing though and it sounds like your towns are coming along great ~~

January 17th

★ second floor of the museum opened
★ celebrated the second floor opening
★ went diving and caught a few new things
★ shot down the golden slingshot! can't believe i got it so early!
★ caught a dung beetle FINALLY which means my bug collection is complete! (for this month)
★ caught a blowfish too
★ did dailies (bought out shops, donated fossils, watered flowers etc.)

January 18th

★ didn't play much, did the dailies and that was about it!

January 19th

★ summoned marty through wisp, asked him to come and play
★ ordered a few items from marty's RV & asked him to move in! he's sooo cute. he moved into sylvia's spot
★ gulliver washed up again, this time the answer was japan!
★ did the dailies

January 20th

★ played hide and seek with willow, graham and victoria!
★ did the dailies
★ landscaped the town a little more (planted a few more trees, laid a few more paths)

January 21st

★ the fishing tourney was on! i only started playing 45mins before it was supposed to end but i won it! yay
★ went and welcomed marty (he is ADORABLE!! my favourite villager in cosmo yet)
★ shampoodle is being built! i was so surprised cos i thought it would take ages lmao can't wait to change my eye colour
★ hamlet requested a fire pit! yay something decent
★ visited KK in club LOL (he gave me k.k adventure - not my fave but it's better than my house being silent)
★ did the dailies

January 22nd

★ caught an oarfish which means i've caught all of the fish for january! HELL YEEE (how am i gonna keep this up for the next 11 months omg)
★ graham requested the chair sculpture
★ laid down most of my paths throughout the town, makes it easier to get around and it's clearer to see where my PWPs will go now
★ visited club tortimer and did a few tournaments to buy a few hibiscus shoots
★ planted some more flowers to get hybrids (still no black flowers ;w;)
★ planted my red hibiscus shoots near the bulletin board
★ bought and sold my turnips (now i have 2mil in my savings! wooohooo)
★ paid off home loan
★ planted and paid off fire pit (it's going to be near the campsite. now i need the log bench)
★ did the dailies

all screenshots will be linked on imgur because there are so many!!


Such a failure, I skipped another day, I should give myself an allotted amount of skipdays... but I was so tired and feeling yucky so I just slept. I need to do another big tumblr update and then I'll post some pics from my week here, I'll try to do that each week at least, I'm just crummy at remembering to put stuff on my computer because it's so much EFFORT XD But for sure I will try to update often! Hope everyone's towns are coming together! I think these next few days I am going to try to move in a dreamie off of a card! =D
Day 23

- Blathers was awake! so i can get the second floor on the museum!
- T&T Are closing tomorrow!
-Built another perfect so woman! Shes so cute! got an ice wall
- got a bingo!
- bought a painting from redd

Day 22

-Celebrated Francine Birthday.
-Made a snow woman and got the ice floor.
-did the usual

- i won fishing tourney first place :p
- pietro moved in
-kick is opening
- have 1 million in my account
- 3 badges i got

il post on friday my week of monday thru friday because i play less

Hi there, everyone!
I keep forgetting to journal things, it's been a pretty hectic week! Well, really the whole month has been crazy,but this week especially. I moved a ton of furniture by myself last night IRL (very animal-crossing style, lol) and realized that my measurements were slightly off and had to move everything back!! ಥ_ಥ I am a smol 5'0" person with not much muscle so I'm a bit tuckered out! Now I need to bug bomb everything and I STILL won't be done after that!!! UEGH.

1/20 - 1/25
- I think I unlocked some PWPs? Only one or two though. It hasn't been super active!
- Shampoodle opened!
- Supermarket upgrade opened!
- Got my hair cut and dyed... Not sure if I like it for this mayor or not ●︿●
- Perfect peach trees died, replanted them~
- Gained expressions: Fearful, happiness, and pride!
- Unlocked Cafe (YES YES YES YES!!! (┛◉Д◉)┛彡┻━┻ MY SON!!!)
- Placed and paid off cafe'

Hey everyone!
Haven't had data last five days.
So to catch up with Bliss:
*Club lol is open!
*Suggestion for the gift shop from Blathers!
*Upgrade shop
*Just repeat cookies
*bought three bushes from island
*suggestions for sandbox, brick bridge, Street light the round one, fairytale bench
*still paying for lighthouse
*tutu moved in
*t-bone wanted to move out told him no
*working on breeding hybrid roses and black tulips
*hair salon and shoe stores open yay :)
*stitches gave me an orange!!!
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On 1/27 I achieved perfect town status! I have 2 jacobs ladders!! I'm also super tired and don't know if I'll submit for the remaining challenges this month! :< My life has been mostly absorbed in the quest to deep-clean my house ^^;;;


I didn't think I had enough PWPs but I guess the flowers and trees did it? I'm sure you'll get it in no time!

I'm planning on getting a few more PWP this week to try to get to perfect town. I really want to get it so I can get the golden can... it's so tedious watering individual flowers. X.X

Also i've been kind of crumby with updating and stuff, but I do intend to. I am hoping I have energy tomorrow when i get off of work to update my tumblr and also post some stuff here.
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