Animal Crossing multi gaming


Senior Member
Jun 8, 2014
Are there people out there who play two or more animal crossing's at the same time?

I got New Leaf, City Folk and Wild World going on. But New Leaf is on the wane now.
Eh I have a WW copy that I planned on playing once I'm done with NL for the day, but that didn't happen yet...
I did make a town for that copy though, it's weird how you only start off with 3 villagers.
I'm literally unable to do that and whenever I attempt to, I just end up getting an ac overload and a headache haha.
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As of right now I play Wild World daily, HHD, Gamecube, and amiibo festival weekly, and NL semi weekly (I've pretty much done everything in NL so I dont play it that much anymore.)

Ill probably start play city folk again sometime soon.
I've never played them at the same time, but different times in the day. New Leaf gets played everyday, Wild World has shrunk back down to every two weeks, sometimes a month or so since its holidays are different. I actually play e+ more, and the original I started back, but with no Lily (who moved out in 2004 mind you), I don't really feel like playing it anymore.
New Leaf is the only one I currently own. That said, back when I did have a working Gamecube, I would sometimes TRY to start and keep up with a town on that version as well, just for comparison's sake and nostalgia value. Each and every time, though, I would end up quitting the GC version and go back to whatever newer Animal Crossing I was playing. I don't think the older games have aged very well, and I enjoy the features of the newest additions much more than the first few, so there's no real reason for me to play multiple ACs at once.
I have the three games too, but once I start and get addicted to the new stuff or which ever one I played the most, I tend to forget my past games and won't play it ever again or not in a long time.. but yeah I would like to multi play two animal crossing new leaf games though just so I could try other things with it