Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp - Friend ID Sharing

TBT Username: Soti
In-game name: Soti
Friend ID: 9054 0834 680

Hi! I'll accept whomever adds me! :)
TBT Username: Darumy
In-game name: Daruma
Friend ID: 03039652696

Always open to help with quarry and any misc items you need...!
TBT Username: Lissly
In-game name: Lissly
Friend ID: 4633 1015 941
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TBT Username: mayorbubu
In-game name: BillyKelyn
Friend ID: 05158164377

adding back everyone!
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TBT Name: Jesirawr
In-Game Name: Fjoora
Friend ID: 4998-2489-814

I'm an active user and will add you the same day that the request is sent! Happy Camping!
Hi y'all. I'm accepting all requests : )

TBT Username: cuddle
In-game name: Nina
Friend ID: 3456 0477 694

I have reached max capacity so I ca no longer accept requests :c
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Would love to get some new friends :)

TBT Username: Vizionari
In-game name: Miyue
Friend ID: 8687 9314 340
TBT Name: Jesirawr
In-Game Name: Fjoora
Friend ID: 4998 2489 814

My SO's friend code:
In-Game Name: Fox
Friend ID: 6782 2484 300
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TBT Username:JellyLu
In-game name: Jessica
Friend ID:4124 2105 030

Edit: I'd appreciate you letting me know if you added me :)
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TBT Username: A r i a n e
In-game name: Ariane
Friend ID: 3743 1706 582

I can't stop playing it's so cute and fun!!