Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp - Friend ID Sharing

TBT Username: DivaBlueGirl
In-Game Name: Grace
Friend ID: 2018 (lol) 7195687

I got the game about a week ago so some friends would be nice!
A lot of the people on my Pocket Camp Friends list are inactive. So out with the old and in with the new! I need some active pocket camp friends! Add me! ^_^

FRIEND ID: 7442 0446 513
i am on multiple times a day, every day

friend ID: 4889 2333 135
player name: Ezra

looking for active players

you will be removed if you are inactive for too long
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TBT Username: Hanami
In-game name: Renee
Friend ID: 8550 8616 174

looking for active players! please let me know who you are if you add me.
TBT Username: Mahershmallow
In-game name: Catherine
Friend ID: 4816 1628 394

Hi all I cleared out my list and I need lots of new friends who are active with the Quarry and Flower events!
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tbt user: lol just look left
in game name: Cal
Friend ID: 0039 1053 010

I'd prefer to add active people who send quarry help and share insects rather than inactives. Real Gamers ONLY!!11!! I add anybody who sends me requests, and unadd them after 30 days of inactivity.
TBT Username: Apriiil
In-game name: Penelope
Friend ID: 6991 8487 038

I have no friends but I want all of the friends D: SEND REQUESTS PLEASE
TBT Username: alexa223
IGN: Alexa
ID: 9188-0531-744
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TBT username: ceremonials
IGN: majesty
ID: 3863 7321 179

I'm active every day and always help with the quarry and events! Looking for other active players :)
I didn't know this existed until today and I'm super excited.
My Friend Camp ID is: 2209-7185-147
I'm a pretty active player already ;)
TBT Username: Enny156
In-game name: Enny156
Friend ID: 3332 1130 907

I just started playing and I only have one friend so far xD so feel free to send me a friend request! :3 I'm very active and I'll help out as much as I can ^^
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I'm looking for a friend powder partner. Basically, we'd cross-pollenate each other with an equal number of flowers each day (or at some other interval). Private message me and we can discuss the particulars. And of course I will offer my Friend ID then. Thanks!