Animal Crossing: Pocket Camp - Friend ID Sharing


Could do with some friends since I decided to get back into the game (mostly just because I want to take advantage of the functionality with the Switch version even though we don't know if/when/what that will be). Wanting to replace some of the random people on my friends list who don't play any more haha!
0314 3138 812

I could really use some active friends on here.
As well as help with the switch implements for when it releases!
I'll add back in game! Thanks guys!
i need more help getting into the quarry for blitz clams! :'(

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If some of y'all with amazing gardens would add me for cross-pollination help, that'd be great! Plus I need friend powder so I can go back to olaying Brake Tapper religiously

TBT Name: Niks
IG Name: Nik
Code: 2734 4814 782

I’ll accept all friend requests!
TBT Username: gaysideswipe
In-game name: Sides
Friend ID: 1488-1538-702
I just started playing and I'd love to make some friends !
TBT Username: Han Solo
In-game name: Kat
Friend ID: 04410119762

I had to delete a bunch of inactive people, so feel free to add me if you’d like! I try to play daily and am active during events. c:
Hey! I just started playing today and would love to add some people! My ID is 9743-0338-912!

Let's break rocks together and stuff yeaaah
Add me please

I love to play I play ALL DAY so feel free to add if you would like. My name is Marie on the game 77478198377
22852314222. I'm Sadie, I'll help you at the quarry and keep plenty of random junk in my market box for ya! :)
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I just restarted playing the game after a long break, feel free to add me I'd love friends!

TBT Username: squidpops
In-game name: Lucas
Friend ID: 1348 0955 315
TBT Username: Lijan
In-game name: Monday
Friend ID: 4017-6396-356

Cleared out the pesky dead friends so come say hi oowoo
Started being more active again~
Would like more friends ^^
Add me ♪♪♡♡

Camp ID:
I started playing about a month and I would love to have some active friends!

TBT Username: Elijo
In-game Name: Eli
Friend ID: 9997-9175-702